How to select a slip lead leash for your dog? Dog’s size, material, length, and other considerations.
How to Leash Train an Adult Dog? (Expert Answers)
I want to leash train my adult dog but I don’t know what method works for me and my dog. Hints and experience.
Can a Samoyed Dog be Trusted Off-Leash? (11 answers)
Can Samoyed be trusted off-leash or are they more like Husky and must be on a leash at all times?
How to Leash Train Mini Schnauzer who is Afraid of Leashes?
How can I leash train my Mini Schnauzer if she is deathly afraid of leashes? She starts trembling and shaking.
Who is to Blame for a Dog Fight if my Dog is on a Leash?
If my dog is on a leash and my dog bites an unleashed dog, would it be my fault?
What are some Pit Bull Leash Training Tips?
What are some leash training tips for a pit bull? My pit bull is pulling on a leash. I don’t want to use a choke chain.
Can you Train a Siberian Husky to Obey Off the Leash?
I’ve read that Huskies cannot be trusted without the leash. Can you train a Husky to obey off the leash?
How do I Get my 7-week-old Puppy to Walk on a Leash?
How can I get my 7-week-old puppy to walk on his leash? He bits the leash not wanting to move at all.