Is Great Dane a good dog for guarding and protecting? Can you train a Great Dane to be a watchdog?
guard dog
What is a Friendly and Non-Shedding Guard Dog Breed?
Whats a friendly guard dog that doesn’t shed? I want a non-shedding dog, and my dad wants a guard dog.
A Good Guard Dog for a First-Time Dog Owner?
What would be a good guard dog for a first-time dog owner? I’m a single woman and I need a guard dog.
How Can I Train My Labrador Into a Guard Dog?
How can I train my Labrador into a guard dog? I have heard that it can be done, I just don’t know how.
What is the Best Natural Guard Dog?
What is the best natural guard dog? Is there any better breed than Fila or Caucasian Ovcharka?
Are Black Russian Terriers Good Police and Security Dogs?
Do Black Russian Terriers make good police dogs? I heard somewhere they are. Don’t know much about them.
Meet Cane Corso Dog Video
Video. Cane Corso, the direct descendant of the Roman Molossers, is today a guard dog and adorable pet.
Central Asian Shepherd Dog Playing
Video. The Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai) is one of the most popular guard dogs in Russia.