Is Canidae lamb and rice good dog food for my 3-month-old Great Dane pup? My puppy has sensitive skin.
Great Dane
When do Great Danes Start their First Heat Cycle?
My female Great Dane is 1 year old but she didn’t have a heat cycle yet. Are Danes “late bloomers”?
Is Newfoundland or Great Dane a more People-Oriented Dog?
Q: Newfoundland or Great Dane? I want a dog that will follow me around. Do Newfoundland dogs just sleep all day and night or do they actually move? That’s not the reason why I want a dog. I have two, but my Jack Russell just ignores me all day lol, unless I have food or […]
Do They Make Crates for Great Danes?
Q: Do they make dog crates for Great Danes? Does anyone know of a website where they have dog crates for Great Danes? I am getting one in about a week and want to crate train her but in a couple months she won’t be able to move in the crates I am finding. Photo […]
What is better for a Great Dane puppy (Collar, Head Halter, Harness)?
What is better to teach a Great Dane puppy to walk on a leash? Should I use a leash, a regular adjustable collar, a prong collar, a head halter, or a harness. It’s a Great Dane Puppy. Photo Credit: Five Furlongs/Flickr Answers and Views: Answer by Molly Head Halter – works well, especially for dogs […]