I am wondering, would a Kuvasz dog respond differently to an Indian person (I’m from India)?
10 Common Mistakes Dog Owners Make
According to Vladae Roytapel, the famous Russian Dog Wizard, there are at least 10 common mistakes that dog owners make: 1. Humanization – If you treat your dog as a human your dog will treat you as a dog. Your dog is not your child or you’re relative. The wolf is still your dog’s second cousin. 2. […]
Why Own a Dog - Is It Your Child or What?
Most dog owners consider their dogs to be members of their families. Some owners are treating their pooches as their children. Others say that dogs are “just pets”, and a kind of possession. Here’s what Michelle Liew is thinking about all that. Ten Quirky Reasons for Owning a Pet Having been a dog owner for […]
I Love My Dog Stories
A Dog Day Afternoon Here she comes again as I write this story. She will run to watch me type on the computer. This doesn’t happen all of the time, only when she wants something from me. She will stand by the door to my office, look at me then look away. If I turn […]
Your Enemy Is Your Dog's Enemy
Dogs dislike people who are mean to their owners and will reject a treat offered by those who have snubbed their master, new Japanese research says. The study to be published later this month in the science journal Animal Behavior reveals that dogs have the ability to cooperate socially. This very important trait is found […]
Samur and My Other Ovcharkas
Henriikka Rapila has five dogs in her house, four Central Asian Ovtcharkas, and one Caucasian Ovtcharka.