My 8-week old puppy is eliminating in her crate. I am trying to mat train her, but am having very no success.
dog training
How do I teach my German Shepherd to hunt with me?
Ryan T: What Are some ways to teach my German Shepherd to hunt with me? I am getting a german shepherd in a couple of weeks. I understand german shepherds need to feel a sense of purpose and i do a lot of small game hunting (like squirrels rabbits quail etc). What are some ways […]
How to Stop my Dog from Going After Other Dogs?
How do I stop my dog from going after other dogs outside? How do I get him to STOP and LISTEN to me?
How to train a dog to eat only at the ok command?
Q: how to train a dog to eat only when given an ok command? There are people who have taught their dogs to only eat when told to, for safety (to prevent poisoning) and just to stop having to worry (I left my pizza on the coffee table!). How is it done? How do you […]
Help me out with my Caucasian Ovcharka Puppy
I need help with Caucasian Ovcharka puppy. It’s 7 weeks old but it viciously attacks everything.
Caucasian Shepherd Training Guide
Training your Caucasian Ovcharka requires patience, technique, and acceptance of the characteristics this breed.
How to make my dog poop in a particular spot?
biker_kalle: how to make my dog poop in a particular spot in the yard? i have a year old Caucasian shepherd (female) and she has gotten into a habit of sh!tting all over my yard during the winter. i never really noticed until now because of the snow, but now that it has melted i […]