Dogs are carnivores. Unless there is an actual MEDICAL reason you shouldn’t feed him vegetarian food.
dog food
What is a Good Low Price Dog Food for a Mastiff?
What is a good low price food to feed a Mastiff breed dog? I need advice from people that own a Mastiff.
How Can I Make my Pit Bull dog Bigger?
How can I make my Pit Bull bigger? I have a full-blooded red nose Pit Bull that is 15 weeks old.
Taste of the Wild High Prairie for Dogs
$44,99. Grain-free dog food for all life stages. #1 Best Seller on Amazon.
Caucasian Shepherd Growth Chart (Height and Weight Tables)
I have a 3-month-old Caucasian Ovcharka Shepherd. What is the growth chart tables for this dog breed?
What is the Best Food for a Mini Dachshund?
What is the best dog food for my Mini Doxie? I think she is getting bored with Royal Canine for Dachshunds.
Why Grain Free Dog Food?
What are the benefits of grain free dog food if any? What is feeding your dog right?