What is the best dog for blood tracking that is good for hunting deer and good with families?
dog breeds
What's the Difference between Puli and Komondor dog?
Difference between Puli vs Komondor? A friend gives me a Komondor pup. Is Komondor a better dog to have?
Are Cocker Spaniels known to be a Dog Breed that Bites?
My buddy said that a Cocker Spaniel would bite you quicker than a Pit Bull or Rottweiler would, Is it true?
How Long will my Shiba Inu Live (life expectancy)?
I got my Shiba when she was 8, and she is the best dog I ever had. I was wondering how long do Shiba Inus live.
Shih Tzu as Family Dog and Pet
Is Shih Tzu a good family dog? Is it good for me? Are Shih Tzus smart dogs and easy to train?
What is the Dog Breed that Resembles a Wolf most?
What is the most wolf-like dog breed or a dog breed that resembles a wolf? List of breeds.
Maremma Sheepdog vs Great Pyrenees dog (which is bigger)?
Maremma Sheepdog vs the Great Pyrenees? Which dog is bigger? Which one should I get?
Difference between Labrador and Labrador Retriever?
RAFAL S: What is the difference between a Labrador and a Labrador Retriever? I want to get a Labrador but I don’t know whether to get a Labrador Retriever or just a Labrador because I don’t know the difference, so what is the difference? Photo Credit: pmarkham/Flickr CC Answers and Views: Answer by GucciGirl They […]