Jackie Jessa C: How to make a chihuahua puppy go poo? I have this 4-week old chihuahua puppy, and it does not go poo. It only went poo 1 time. I don’t know how to make it go poo. Can someone give me some Advice? Photo Credit: apdk/Flickr CC Answers and Views: Answer by Kerrie When […]
Are Chihuahuas subject to a lot of health issues?
Elfie: Question about Chihuahuas? I really want to get a Chihuahua, but I’ve heard they can be subject to a lot of health issues. For those of you who’ve had a Chihuahua, how is your dog in regards to health? Even if you don’t have a Chihuahua, can I have your opinion on whether or […]
Can a rottweiler and a chihuahua puppies grow together?
juda: a rottweiler and chihuahua puppy? ok my boyfriend really wants a Rottweiler puppy and i really want a long haired chihuahua puppy. We really want to get both, but i wasn’t sure how well they would interact. The Chihuahua will be indoor and the rottweiler outdoor. I thought maybe getting them both as puppies […]
How can I get My chihuahua to go for walks on a leash?
OPERATING THETAN LVL 5 (tara): My chihuahua won’t walk on a leash, what can I do to get him to go for walks? He’s 2 yrs old and neutered and is absolutely terrified of the leash. He immediately lays down and will not move when I put the leash on him. I feel bad because […]