Where to find Caucasian Ovcharka breeders or kennels in California, preferably Northern California.
caucasian shepherd dog
Caucasian Ovcharka breeders in Australia?
Are there Caucasian Ovcharka (Caucasian Shepherd) breeders in Australia? Their import price is too high.
Would Caucasian Ovcharka make a good Service Dog?
Would Caucasian Ovcharka make a good service dog? This is a breed I have always admired, and I am looking for a new dog.
If I Keep Caucasian Ovcharka in a Dark Room?
If I don’t introduce Caucasian Ovcharka to people and keep him in a dark room, will it make him more protective?
Does Anyone Own a “Thunderhawk-Caucasian” Dog?
They’re one of the only ethical breeders in North America who breed purebred CO.
Largest Dog Breed in the World?
What is the largest dog breed in the world? Considering height and or weight. Irish Wolfhound, Mastiff?
What Papers Do I Get from a Russian Dog Kennel?
What papers does a Russian kennel provide when you buy a Caucasian Mountain dog puppy from them?
Caucasian Mountain Dog that Resembles a Bear
The Caucasian Mountain dog was bred to protect livestock against predators; in fact, it resembles a bear!