I have a 3-month-old Caucasian Ovcharka Shepherd. What is the growth chart tables for this dog breed?
caucasian shepherd dog
Caucasian Shepherd Rescues Child Video
A mighty guard dog Caucasian Shepherd brings a little girl to safety after watching her go underwater in the sea.
The Titans Family – A Caucasian Shepherd Breeder in Europe
The Titans Family is a well-known Caucasian Shepherd breeding kennel located in Romania, Eastern Europe.
Question About Dog Fighting and the Breeds Used?
What breeds are used in dogfighting? Everyone totes the APBT as the “super dog” of the fighting circuit.
Kangal vs Caucasian Ovcharka vs Central Asian Ovcharka?
Kangal vs Central Asian Ovcharka vs Caucasian Ovcharka? Which is biggest or strongest? Their bite force?
Why Caucasian Ovcharkas have their Ears Cropped Short?
Why do Caucasian Ovcharkas have their ears cropped short? Is it because they fight wolves?
What is the Best Natural Guard Dog?
What is the best natural guard dog? Is there any better breed than Fila or Caucasian Ovcharka?
What Food does the Caucasian Mountain Dog Need?
What kind of dog food does the Caucasian Mountain Dog need?