Do Bullmastiff dogs Drool a Lot?

Q: Do Bullmastiff dogs drool a lot?
I was thinking of getting a Bullmastiff but I'm afraid they really drool a lot. Any experience with that?

funny Bullmastiff boyfunny Bullmastiff boy
Photo Credit: danciminera/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by BugsBunnyxoxo
Yes. They drool after they drink and eat, during and after physical activity, while begging for food, when warm or hot, and when stressed. Some drool more often than others. Generally, the longer the jowls on a Bullmastiff, the more drool you can expect to experience. Experienced Bullmastiff owners tend to play down the drool factor to those who don't know any better. I have found inexperienced owners (my vet including) to "gross-out" seconds before their first unavoidable slime experience.

As a rule of thumb, always have drool towels ready to clean up after them and expect to have drool stains and streaks on all of your belongings.

Answer by Ed
The answer is the same as the question: Is the Pope Argentinian?

Answer by mindy
Well, my friend, the question is not do they drool a lot, the question is can you handle drool on your windows, floors, doors, walls, tabletops, t.v screens and cabinets? lol

I have a Dogue de Bordeaux (don't know if I spelled that correctly but its a french mastiff or a turner and hooch dog)
Rosie will have what looks to be shoe strings hanging from her chops if she is seeing a bit of food she wants desperately.
She also shakes her head when the drool bothers her and flings it all over whatever room she is in!

I find her drooling to be an endearing cute trait while going to people's houses as we so often do I carry a damp hand towel and a dry hand towel one to wipe the drool and one to dry her chops.

I am told the bull mastiffs do not drool as much as the English or the Neapolitan but being a mastiff just be prepared you are gonna need to get used to the drool or do not get the dog.
Even when Rosie is done drinking water she gives a little shake and flings a mix of drool and water over the

Answer by German Shepherd Passion-The one that got away
Yes, any large breed or any breed with a smushed in face such as the boxer, bulldog, (American or English), pug, or any breed like those will drool, each dog is different though. They will also have limited air access, making them snort or snore or even honk like a goose at times.

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