Do Bouvier des Flandres dogs Drool a lot?

angel: Do Bouvier des Flandres dog drool?
Are they messy in this respect? Do they like to be house dogs?

cute bouvier puppy yawning
Photo Credit: echoe69/Flickr CC

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Answer by Kimmie
My cousin had a Bouvier that drooled 24/7…they kept a rag in their pocket to wipe "Bear's" face during the day when it got too messy.
The dog had clean teeth, great breath, an amazing coat, very energetic…just DROOLED!! LOL

Answer by Megan
No, they do not drool excessively but if you choose to keep them with their natural “beard” then they can become messy after they get a drink or root around while sniffing. You’ll just need a towel and a brush handy to help keep them dry and clean.

Answer by chetco
No, they are not droolers. They can live in or out, but need quite a bit of exercise.

Answer by Patricia
I have 2 bouviers 9-month-old male and 14-month-old female. They don’t drool at all but their beards are constantly wet from drinking water so we keep their beards short and so it's no worse than any other dog. we go to a dog park and there is a golden retriever their and he drools all the time! and I mean a lot!

I have found with our bouviers because of their coat they are always picking up dirt on their paws and their legs and in their fur and then they come in the house and its deposited all in the house so I’m always sweeping the floor, and in the winter the snow sticks to their coat and then they come in and melt lol and then theirs lots of wet spots in the house so we mop a lot.

They are definitely an indoor dog they like being with their people. If I knew then what I know now would still choose a Bouvier they are awesome dogs. Easy to train, listen well, medium exercise level. although all dogs are individual in their exercise needs.

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Answer by Elni
The Bouvier des Flandres originated in Belgium and most of its early breeders were farmers. It is steady, resolute, and fearless, and it serves well as a family guardian and friend.

It is definitely a large breed, so Bouvier should always be supervised around children, and around other animals as well.

The Bouvier makes a good house dog and would enjoy access to both house and yard.  It is not overly active in the house. Nevertheless, it needs plenty of exercise, so country and suburban living suit the  Bouvier best.

You should brush your dog weekly to remove dead hair in the coat and prevent matting. They don't drool too much.
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