Do Basset Hounds Smell Really Bad?

Q: Is it true that Basset Hounds smell really bad?
I really want a Basset Hound but my parents say that they bark a lot and smell like a horse.

Basset Hound with sad eyes lying on a floorBasset Hound with sad eyes lying on a floor
Photo Credit: sally9258/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:
Answer by chase
No, they don't really smell. I had a Basset Hound years ago, the only thing you have to watch with them is their ears, they have to be cleaned out regularly or they smell.
They are the most beautiful natured dogs and they do not bark any more than other dogs.

Answer by Elena
They actually howl, they don't bark so much.
Horse? I don't think so. They smell just like any other dog. If you bathe him no more than 4 times per year, keep his ears clean and feed him a high-quality diet he won't smell. Bassets are prone to ear infections so you MUST keep his long ears clean every week. Ear infections smell and they are painful to the dog. I suggest you research Bassets a bit more (health, general care – eyes, ears, back, etc.) and find a reputable breeder via the breed club.

Bassets are great dogs but they aren't for everyone. They require a lot of special care and are prone to a lot of health problems.

Answer by Timothy S
Their ears drag through who knows what and males they can have problems peeing on themselves.

Answer by Chelsea M

Answer by iluvtorofl
Yes, bassets do smell terrible at times. It's the ears. They drag them in everything, so they get an odor. They aren't the cleanest dog on earth. But they don't bark any more than a doxie or a small yippy yorkie does.

Answer by Gin
Basset hounds tend to have an odor, no matter how much you clean them. You can minimize it by bathing them every month and cleaning their ears every week. I use MalAcetic for my dog's ears. It's what my vet recommended and it works.

MalAcetic Wet Wipes cleanse and assist in treating skin problems (Amazon #ad)

Answer by ncgrl
Keep the Basset Hound bathed the same as you would any other dog and he will smell fine. Yes, they do bark a lot.

Answer by juicyfruitishandsome
Bassets don't smell so much.

Answer by Alicia G
They are just like any other dog. If you bathe them when they need it they smell just fine. They are known for Ear infections which can be stinky but if taken to the vet that can be cleared right up. And as far as the barking goes any dog can be yappy. It just takes a lot of training to get the dog to understand to be quiet. Good luck

Answer by Karen W
Barkers yes, unfortunately.
Horse? Not if you keep them bathed and on quality food. You do need to keep the folds clean, baby wipes do an admirable job there.

Answer by Joe s
The only fault about the skin is it makes a Basset smell, and you have to live with it. One distasteful thing about Basset hounds is they drool. …

Answer by Amie
I don't think bassets smell a lot. We used to have neighbors that had one.

Answer by scarlettgirl
Hmmmm…I have heard that all hounds have that 'hound dog' scent and that you can't eliminate the scent because that's just the way they smell. Of course, there's always Febreze for the house and surfaces.

Answer by Julie D.
Outside of air and fabric fresheners, you're probably out of luck. Bassets do have a *houndy* odor to them, as most hounds do. Bathing him too often won't help at all. Boy, do I know that Basset Hounds smell even worse when they're wet. I've had three of them in the past. The only other thing is to make sure you wash the dog's bedding often if he indeed has a bed or crate pad.

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