American Eskimo, Japanese Spitz and Samoyed (differences)

Doglover: Are there any differences between American Eskimo dog, Japanese Spitz and Samoyed?
Except for the size and origin of these dog breeds?

Answers and Views:
Answer by Ana
General temperaments can vary greatly between the breeds yes.
Eskimos tend to be snappy and not very good with kids while Samoyeds can be good family dogs and very sweet.I'm not so sure about the spitz though.

siberian samoyed dog running in the mountainssiberian samoyed dog running in the mountains
Photo Credit: Stiller Beobachter/Flickr CC

Answer by Chelan
Actually, the American Eskimo and the Japanese Spitz is actually the SAME.
When German immigrants brought the dogs to the Americas, U.S. and Canadian fanciers particularly chose the smaller, mid-size, and the white dogs as favored varieties. Breeding those dogs exclusively, they eventually sought to have them recognized as a separate breed from what was by then known as the German Spitz. It was Mr. and Mrs. F.M. Hall who initially chose the name "American Eskimo". It was, in fact, their kennel name.

The UKC officially recognized the breed in 1913, followed later by the AKC and finally the CKC. Most Eskies in the US today are still registered with the UKC, and many now with the AKC as a second registry.

From the U.S..and Canada, AED's were imported into Japan in the early part of the twentieth century, where the breed name fell into disfavor during the second world war. Eskies in Japan were thus re-named "Japanese Spitz", and have recently gained popularity under that name as exports to Europe, Australia, and the British Isles. Almost comically, they have most recently seen their way back into the U.S. under the "new" name, and many fanciers unfamiliar with the history are heralding their "Japanese Spitz" as a "rare new" breed in this country, falsely said to be descended, not from Eskies, but Samoyeds! Even the United Kennel Club, the original registering organization for the American Eskimo Dog, is accepting the renamed Eskie as a "new breed" despite both historical documentation and obvious phenotype proving the "two breeds" are actually one and the same.

Answer by Cheryl
I have an American Eskimo…he is intelligent, alert, friendly, an excellent watchdog, protective of his home and family. Yes, he can be noisy. He is very good with children and other pets.

Answer by Rose-Marie
I have had Japanese Spitz since 1973. The story about the origin of the JS is not what many people tend to believe as being related to the German Spitz. More recently there have been founders of the Japanese Spitz from Japan giving their stories on how their ancestors brought dogs from Russia and Manchuria. (reference NIPPON SPITZ ASSOCIATION and NIPPON SPITZ CLUB)

There are a few dogs in the US that are true Japanese Spitz. I do know that as a fact since I have brought them over myself and the breeders there are breeding European, English and Australian bred specimens with full pedigrees. NO Am Eskie involved whatsoever!
There might be a few farmers claiming to breed JS, but none of the UKC registered puppies are connected to puppy farmers.

The JS and AM ESKIE are NOT the same. The DNA tests done by AKC proved that they are different breeds by genetics, but still, they are not accepted as an AKC breed. But to be quite truthful I am happy that the JS is being kept as a rare breed. We do not need money-hungry breeders making them into yet another "Americanized dog" such as goldens, springers, etc.

When it comes to the standard there are some clear differences in the general outlook both for sizes, color, eye shape, and coat quality.
I have not meet so many eskies - but as from what I see on the Internet - their type varies a lot. Even within the sizes. Regards Rose-Marie (Rowleys Japanese Spitz Sweden)

Answer by Echo
American Eskimos are registered with both the AKC & the UKC here in the U.S. Japanese Spitz are registered with the UKC. Japanese Spitz are very similar to a minature Eskimo. They are almost always pure white. They have a milder temperament than the Eskie. JS's generally have a life span of about 12 years. Eskies average 14 & can live to 16 & beyond. Eskies can be white or biscuit color & can have biscuit spots. Also, they are far more agressive & feisty than the JS.

Eskies come in three sizes, standard, miniature & teacup. JS comes in only one size. Both are beautiful & intelligent dogs & fairly easy to train. It is very difficult to find a JS in the U.S. Some sellers who claim they have them are untruthful. What some of them try to do is pass off an Eskie as a JS. If you get a dog shipped to you at all it probably will be an Eskie. An obvious tip-off is when they say the JS is registered with the AKC & refer to them as Eskies.

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