Male vs Female Chihuahua. Which is Better for Me?

Q: What are the pros and cons of male vs female chihuahua?
I’m going to be a first-time chihuahua dog owner, and I have a choice between a male or a female. Which is better to take care of? What is Chihuahua temperament male vs female?

Male and Female Chihuahua Puppies held by the owner in his handsMale and Female Chihuahua Puppies held by the owner in his hands
Male and Female Chihuahua Puppies

Photo Credit: jeffreyw/Flickr CC

By the way, these are pups..only 6wks old… How old do they have to be spayed?

Answers and Views:

Answer by Randall H
I have both male and female dogs.. and I would say from my experience.. my male dog has been the most loyal..and my cousins have two chihuahuas one male one female.. and the male is more active and seems more loyal than the female.

Answer by smurfme02
I have had a male and female Chihuahua and from my experience males are better. Females go into heat and unless you get them fixed they bleed, which will put males into heat if they are around your area where you live. Males are better in that area they'll just act a little crazy and nuts during that time but nothing you can't handle. I still have mine and he's almost 8yrs, I've had him since he was born so I would know what to expect plus I had a female when she was 2 months old till she was 4yrs when she passed away.

If your a first-time chihuahua owner I would go with a male if you like that then get a female later on but if your not looking into having puppies then get the female fixed. Hope all goes well with your choice and I could help with it.

Answer by iluvtorofl
I think chihuahua males are sweeter. I have 4F and 2M chis. We altered ours at 4mo. It's important to alter the males before they start lifting their legs. And feed them often when they are small. They need to keep their blood sugar up.

Answer by Stevie C
Personally, I like females just b/c the chihuahua males have those nasty huge dangly penises and it is not fun to hold them or rub their bellies…

Answer by Ryan D
first neutering either is a must….not only does it limit males from marking, and stop females from menstruating all over your house, but it extends there life, now as for male or female, probably a female they tend to be slightly less aggressive and yippy

Answer by D and G Gifts Etc
I am bias I have 2 male chihuahuas. They are great. They are very loving but also very protective. I have never had a female. If you are planning on spaying you could go either way. If you are not planning on spaying then you have to deal with the female going into heat.

Answer by Kitty Kat
I have a female and a male. My female is much more hyper. Though it really depends on the individual dog and if you are going to get them fixed. Un-neutered dogs feel the need to roam and un-spayed females feel the need to find lots of "friends". If you do get a female remember that most chihuahua pregnancies end in c-section and can go very bad for mom and pups. Never breed a chihuahua under 4.5 lbs.

Answer by tbjumper0514
Well, once they are altered, it probably doesn't make much of a difference…it's all your preference. I personally prefer female dogs (I like the smoother look of their outline, and in bully breeds they have a little "softer" look), but I know many people who prefer males.

Many people will generalize that chihuahua females are usually more…"_____fill in the blank", males are more…"____" , but I don't think that's always accurate because they are all individuals. How you treat/train them can impact their behavior more so than their sex, especially once they are spayed/neutered.

So I would say choose the one you connect with the most (if you get to meet them…I'm assuming you aren't buying long distance, in the case that you are buying long distance, talk to the breeder, they can usually match up a pet/owner pretty well), regardless of sex.


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