Did Rottweiler come from the Dobermann?

Q: is it true that the rottweiler came from the dobermann?
Someone said to my mom that the rottweiler is a mix between a dobermann and another dog and that because of this the brain of the rottweiler tends to grow which causes the dog to become crazy and dangerous. this sounds like a big load of bull.
Is it true that rottweilers have a tendency to betray their owners?

rottweiler dog breedrottweiler dog breed
Photo Credit: State Farm/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Shane
Rotty is not a descendent of the doberman, but neither is the Doberman a descendent of the rotty, they soul purpose of cross breeding dobermans with rotty, was for the wonderful markings, the original Doberman was not the most handsome breed in the world when Herr Doberman first created the breed in Prussia in the 1890's.

I have had the fortune to be owned by a Doberman, and she was a hell of a dog.
The original Dobermann was very closely related to the Manchester Terrier. and almost had a dreadlock type of coat.

Answer by SabrinaD
Dobermann is a relatively new breed (about 150 years old). It was created from a number of breeds probably including rottweiler and minature pincher among other breeds by a German tax collector/dog warden to accompany him on his rounds. It is said that Dobermanns go crazy because the brain is too large but at this point I consider that simply an urban myth.

In the 1970's there were a lot of stories of Dobermanns turning on their owners but it was a case of dogs that had been trained by someone else and sold as a "guard" dog. Dobes bond to one or a few people. After this time Dobermann breeders went out of their way to only breed stable dogs to stable dogs to stop this kind of behavior. The Dobermann of today tends to be a big gentle dog.

Answer by Lisa
Many people believe the Rottweiler to be descended from a Mastiff type dog which the Romans used when they conquered Europe. The Romans used these dogs primarily for herding the cattle and sheep needed as food for their armies. The modern breed of Rottweiler is believed to have been developed in Germany in a district known as Rottweil, hence the name Rottweiler. The Germans used these dogs as herd dogs for their farming animals. The early Rottweilers also were worked as beasts of burden, carrying wood and other products to market. In addition, they were used as draft animals to pull carts filled with various products for their owners. During the first and second World Wars, Rottweilers were put into service as war time guard animals.

Currently they are frequently used as guard and police animals. Some people have trained these fine animals to be hostile and many sad stories have resulted from these situations. However, a Rottweiler which has been properly trained, will be as gentle as any other breed of dog.

The Rottweiler is a very intelligent dog with a strong desire to please it's master. Rottweilers crave attention, they are very loyal, and devoted. If they sense that their family is in eminent danger, they will defend their family just as any other dog would do. As with any other large dog, the Rottweiler requires a dominant master who is familiar with handling large dogs. Any dog, which is not properly trained, can and may challenge the authority of their handler.

A Rottweiler is a powerful animal and cannot be allowed to dominate. They must be taught who the master is. Once they understand who is master, they willingly submit to the authority of their handler.
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