Caucasian Ovcharka breeders in Australia?

Hayden: Caucasian Ovcharka (Caucasian Shepherd) breeders in Australia?
Do people breed them in Australia because to import they need to be 6 months and have a quarantine, and I want one as a pup because they are easier to train. there are none in shelters or anything I've seen.
Cute Caucasian Ovcharka puppyCute Caucasian Ovcharka puppy

Answers and Views:

Answer by I love my GSD!!!!
I was unable to locate an actual breeder in Australia, but there are some of them within the UK. That was as close as I could come.

Answer by INDI
Wow someone who wants a real dog.
Compliments on your choice.

Answer by jason
we have been looking for Caucasian Shepherd dogs in Australia and have found none , But there are a few scammers out there advertising pups for sale in Australia We have made inquiries about bringing one over the cost is $15000 by the time you purchase the pup all the inoculations the import costs and quarantine the pup will be 5 mths old at time of import because it has to have all its rabies shots before it can be sent over and as far as I know there are no Caucasian shepherds in Australia


$15000, how could it be? A good Caucasian Ovcharka puppy costs up to $1500, and you can buy it in the US (not always), in Europe (easily), and in Russia, of course.

Answer by jason
The puppy must have 3 months to can get the rabies vaccine, after 30 days form the vaccine, it is required a blood test. So, the puppy will have 4 months old. After this test, the dog must remain here for 6 months old, that's the procedure, after that, the dog can go to you when he will arrive in Australia, he must remain for 10 days in quarantine. All these will be costing you between 10000-15000 AUD

Answer by R Thomas
There is a set procedure for a new breed into Australia to be registered with the ANKC. It is unwise for a person not to follow this procedure before they actually import. The requirements are clearly stated in the ANKC rules and regulations on the ANKC website.

The information given re quarantine requirements for importation of a dog into Australia is subject to change and unless you follow the most up to date information you will strike big problems. This information is on the Government web site. It includes a very extensive timeline which must be followed. This is why even though we have imported a number of dogs from various countries including countries that do not fall into Categories 1,2 or 3 we suggest that people use an agent for the major details.

Answer by Gordon John
To bring a Caucasian Ovcharka into Australia:

  • you first have to find out what category Country the Dog is coming from
  • once you have done this you will then need to find a Breeder willing to take the Puppy to the Vets for all of the following
  • The puppy requires a Rabies inoculation and at the same time has blood tests done
  • it is required by the Australian Quarantine to send these bloods to them or 1 of the 5 the will only accept in the World
  • then continue on with the final innoculations
  • from Russia you cannot import directly to Australia - it is a Cat 4 Country by Australia Law - so you need to move the puppy to a cat 3 or higher country
  • then after all the tests and Needles are done you need to get an import permit issued from Australian Government - this is when you place all of the paperwork and proof of bloods taken and needles with all signed of by a Government vet from the country the puppy is currently in
  • then 24 hours out from leaving this country you have to get a Government vet to lock the crate of the puppy
  • I just had a Caucasian Ovcharka come from Russia - and he was placed in Slovakia for 5 months - then he flew to Bratislava in the main capital - then over to Austria - then Doha - Then Melbourne - there are NO direct flights - so a lot of pet checks and vet checks to keep the pup safe
  • Then Quarantine is only 10 days if you have completed all of the requirements for the Australian Government
  • if not 2 things can happen - 1 the pup stays in Quarantine longer up to 60 days at your expense if the quarantine station has the space available or they will send the pup back to where it comes from to have the vet stuff completed'

Answer by Blue Violet
I don't think there are any in Australia. Oh, wait, apparently they're called Central Asian Shepherds over here. How odd.

Answer by Art F
It's another breed! The Caucasian Shepherd aka Caucasian Ovcharka is the most brutal Russian dog breed. It is a large, even-tempered dog with a powerful and muscular body, bear-look face, deeply set oval dark eyes, round-shaped cropped ears and low carried long tail. It has a thick and water-resistant double coat in shades of gray, brindle, yellow, rust, red or white (video). The coat may be longer or shorter depending on the region the dog comes from.

The strength and dedication of this Russian dog have made it a popular working, police and guard dog throughout Europe and the former Soviet Union states. They call it the Russian Bear Dog in America. In Russia, its name is Caucasian Ovcharka that means sheepdog in Russian.
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