Canine Wolf or Wolfdog vs Dog?

fdd f: Canine Wolf or Wolfdog vs Dog Breed?
There are a lot of breeds, like English Mastiff, Bullmastiff, Dogo Argentino, American Bulldog that can kill a wolf, but it's important which of them is taller. I think wolfs are no bigger than German Shepherds that is 24 - 26 inches and 75 - 140 pounds. But I know that English Mastiffs, Irish Wolfhounds, and Great Danes have to be taller. I know that the tallest is Irish Wolfhound then Borzoi and then Great Dane and English Mastiff. HOW TALL DOES A MATURE GREY WOLF GET?
Canine wolf's headCanine wolf's head
Photo Credit: Tambako the Jaguar/Flickr CC
Also, Irish wolfhounds were bred to kill wolfs, actually, they made a wolf species go extinct.

Answers and Views:

Answer by Max
In Europe, people use dogs specially designed for stock protection against wolves. They work in packs and they don't fight against wolfs as single dogs. Wolf is a predator who kills dogs for food as well.

Answer by Arnold Carilo
Anytype of tall bulldog mix, mastiff/mastiff mix, great dane, pitbull can kill a wolf. They were used for these reasons in the past while herding animals and some were used for hunting bears and yes even lions which can kill a wolf easily. However, they must be fit dogs who are well exercised at least gets an hour a day walking, or else it just a poor weak dog.

There is a reason wolves hunt in a pack and that's because they are not powerful animals and need backup so I don't know why people keep saying wolves are strong and can kill such dogs. There is proof if you look really deep in these dogs' history. Wolves attack in a pack and will run away if alone.

Mastiffs were even used in wars when people used swords to fight alongside knights. Dogs and wolfs don't get alone for some reason and are each other's worst enemy so the idea that dogs come from wolves is just a theory that doesn't have concrete evidence to prove it. Just cause an animal looks like another shouldn't mean they evolve from another. Apparently, two similar-looking species couldn't be created at the same time, or it's hard to believe so.

Answer by Cory
a lot of people think pit bulls and other dogs can kill a wolf. remember one thing all those dogs have to be trained to kill a wolf. wolves don't have to because wolves are always HUNTING AND KILLING
a lot of animals wolves know naturally how to kill a house dog has to be trained to kill one more thing when wolves are done with one meal they start hunting for the next meal so naturally wolves
are the DOMINATE SPECIES OF DOG. If you don't like what I said you can kiss my fucking ass
because I know what I said is true peace out

Answer by W.
Sounds like you have done your research on dog breeds. You can find the info on the wolf the same way. ;)
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