Can Saint Bernards be Hunting Dogs?

GunManJack: Can Saint Bernards be hunting dogs and what for?
I want to know if you can train a Saint Bernard for hunting, and what can they hunt for as of big or small game, or what types of animals. thank you.

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Answer by PeopleFud
They were originally excellent trackers when they were first bred in the 17th century. They still are good for rescue, but the breed has changed after many of the dogs were lost in avalanches and the breed was crossed with others.

They are not pointers, but are very intelligent dogs and could be taught to help with hunting because of their tracking abilities. But they are not good outdoors in hot weather for long activity, so I would assume they would be of no use for most hunters in warmer climates.

Saint Bernard hunting in the woodSaint Bernard hunting in the wood
Photo Credit: Haley Redshaw/Flickr CC

Even in the cold, many of the modern breeds would not last like they used to due to breeding for show more than work in the past few decades.
But in the right climate with the right trainer, they would probably be very effective hunting anything you wanted in the right weather.

Answer by Damon ( ironman) Lawrence
Thanx I find a hunting dog more important than a wife and I love st.Bernard’s they are very powerful dogs good for defensive and effective hunting tactics

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Answer by ♣
Any dog can be used for hunting if trained properly. There's not a whole lot it would be good for though. Labradors and other retrievers have webbed feet for swimming, eyelids for underwater, and oils in their skin for swimming. So waterfowl wouldn't be the best idea. Bloodhounds and beagles have very sensitive noses for tracking, which a Bernard does but not for the game. They're more of a search and rescue type tracker.

Small dogs are often quick and can hunt for prairie dogs or squirrels. If you can teach to retrieve he might be able to bring back doves. He could also help you stir up quail and rabbits. Its not his nature to hunt and he may not be good at it but it's possible.

Answer by BBert
Saint Bernards are believed to be descendants of the molosser type dogs that were brought to Switzerland by the Romans. Initially, these dogs were used by Swiss farmers for herding, as well as for hunting, and as watchdogs. But guarding and hunting is not what this breed is famous for. The breed's history is mostly connected with the hospice at the Great St. Bernard Pass. Nowadays, most people know them as rescue dogs.
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