Can I Leave a Cocker Spaniel Alone for a Few Hours a day?

signabella: Can a Cocker Spaniel be left home alone?
I went to the animal shelter and fell in love with a Cocker Spaniel. I work for a few hours during the day, 4 days a week, so my Cocker Spaniel would be left alone in the house for a while. He's so sweet but my main worry is about the little guy staying alone. I know some dogs can handle this easily and some of them have dog separation anxiety. What do you think?

cocker spaniel puppy sitting on the grasscocker spaniel puppy sitting on the grass
Photo Credit: sweetron1982/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by maxmom
I say go for it. If your cocker has problems being alone a few hours a day, you can crate him.
Note: they need daily exercise, like walks.

Answer by nodesignerdogs4me
I believe that not one dog is the same (regardless of breed) one breed may be more prone to bark than another but I think they all have diff personalities, fears, pet peeves.
Talk with the shelter about the dog's character, given it may not be actually how the dog will be once he gets used to you.
Thanks for saving a life. Good luck.

Answer by Michelle J
I had a Cocker Spaniel growing up. Patches I have to say he was great but keep in mind that all dogs have their own personalities. They are not timid dogs. As long as they are trained they are great dogs. The dog will be fine if left in the house alone.

Answer by ahorsepersonisme
Ok, they r very hyper most of the time, and impatient. but, they are VERY sweet and lovable. sorta like a big shi-tzu. it really depends on which 1 u get. bigger ones usually are calmer.

Answer by rjn529
Dogs are all different, even dogs of the same breed and even within the same litter.
As for cockers, generally speaking - - -
They are heart dogs, mid-size so they fit well in city life, as well as loving to run in the country.
They do need to be groomed regularly (every 8 weeks or so).
Many dogs of this breed do have some troubles with housebreaking and can be prone to house accidents, however, this can be worked through with proper training.
Cocker's are typically even-tempered, upbeat, energetic dogs that love people and think the person's lap nearest them is where they need to be.

Answer by ann s
Most people aren't with their dogs 24/7 and the dogs are fine alone. Just allow him time to adjust to his new home, and create a schedule for him, such as when he eats, when he gets walked, when he 's in his crate, etc. if you are able to adopt him on a weekend (if you don't work on weekends that is ) then this would be a good option so he has time to get settled in before he is left alone. I think he would make a great friend to you and he will be very happy about such a great home.

Photo Credit: neil conway/Flickr CC
Cockers are very sweet dogs and are very people orientated. they like to be with their family as much as possible and many spaniels will follow you from room to room and be your shadow. they can be very high energy dogs and they really like to play, yet they like to relax by your feet. cocker spaniels can be great with kids and other dogs. most cocker spaniels actually prefer to have a playmate. unfortunately due to poor breeding, many cocker spaniels have not been well socialized. Cocker spaniels have a very fun-loving, enthusiastic attitude. they are happy when you are happy and are a very intelligent breed of dogs. cocker spaniels require regular grooming to keep their coat in good shape.
needless to say, these are extremely loving dogs.

Answer by kpaschke
I had a cocker and a cocker poodle mix. They were both great and loving dogs. Also, very loyal. They required a fair amount of exercise because they can easily become overweight. They are also prone to ear infections because their ears are so long and trap moisture. These cockers were left home for 8 hours a day alone and were very well behaved. They were both very easy to potty train as well. The cocker that wasn't a mix was like garbage disposal, though. Food couldn't be left out where she could get it because she would eat anything, and sometimes she would get into the garbage. I don't think that is a typical cocker trait, though, it was just part of her individuality. All in all, I would say that cockers are really great dogs! Best of luck to you

Answer by a gal and her dog
Aren't cockers cute? They were originally sporting dogs, but have been great family pets for years and years.
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