Can I Crop and Dock my Miniature Pinscher's Ears and Tail at 3 Months?

blueberrygirl: Can I still crop and dock my miniature pinscher's ears and tail if he's 3 months old?

Miniature Pincher puppy with ears standing upMiniature Pincher puppy with ears standing up
Photo Credit: rengber/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by RnD
why would you want to put a dog - a pup through a totally unnecessary operation??

It is too late for the dock Docking is done at 2-3 days old, 5 days at the latest. After that, it is an amputation and no responsible vet will do a cosmetic amputation. If he is just now 12 weeks old he is at the outside limit for being cropped. Cropping is done at 7-12 weeks of age, if he is over 12 weeks old he is too old to be cropped also.

Answer by cindy
In fact, you can actually get your dog’s ears cropped at any age if you really … Just keep in mind it’s a more traumatic and painful surgery for older dogs. That said, it’s best to get the procedure done before 12 weeks of age.
dobermans look like HELL without their ears and tails done, sorry but true… people pierce their ears… so what? lighten up pita peeps

Answer by Chapes
It is dangerous to do that–DON"T.

Answer by Tulip
What is ear cropping?
Ear cropping is a surgery that is performed on puppies when they are 9 to 12 weeks old. The pups are anesthetized and part of the ear flap is removed. After surgery, splints and tape hold the ears upright. The veterinarian has to change the bandages regularly until the ears are healed and erect. This may take up to 20 weeks and some ears fail to stand.

Why is ear cropping an issue?
Ear cropping can cause pain and infection, and there are risks with general anesthesia. Ear cropping can also affect behavior because it is done when puppies are learning about their environment and are developing social behavior. The pain of ear cropping may make puppies afraid of handling and new situations. These experiences can affect the pups’ behavior when they become adults.

What is tail docking?
Tail docking is a surgery that is performed on puppies when they are 3 to 5 days old: part of the tail is cut off. Usually, there is no anesthetic, but local anesthetic may be used. Some breeders put an elastic band around the tail instead. This cuts off the circulation and, after a while, the tail drops off.

Why is tail docking an issue?
Tail docking can cause infection and chronic pain. The pain occurs because extra nerve cells grow in the stump of the tail.

Why are these procedures done?
Ear cropping and tail docking are done to change a dog’s appearance. They are not required for health reasons.

People began doing the procedures hundreds of years ago when there were few veterinarians. Tail docking was thought to prevent rabies, strengthen the back and improve speed and agility. Ear cropping and tail docking were done in some working breeds to prevent injury while they worked. However, many other working breeds did not have cropped ears or docked tails — for example, retrievers and setters.
Ear cropping and tail docking are still done today because they are traditional for the breed. However, many countries have banned the  procedures and breed clubs have accepted this. In those countries, people are used to seeing all breeds with natural ears and tails.

• Ear cropping is illegal in Australia, New Zealand, and many European countries. Tail docking is illegal in Norway, Sweden, Cyprus, Greece, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Finland, Germany, and in Australia.

• Let the breeder know from the start that you do not want your pup altered. Do this before the pup is born because tail docking is done within a few days of birth.
• Do not buy from breeders who insist that their dogs have cropped ears or docked tails.
• Lobby North American breed clubs to change their standards. Visit the British Kennel Club website at to compare standards.
• Ask your MLA and your MP to push for legislation against unnecessary surgery on dogs.
• Write to your provincial veterinary association and ask them to sign the Convention of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association.

Answer by Smith4Dogs
I think you've got the information you need! I will advise you not to Dock or crop the tail and the ear of Pet! unless its no more your pet, may u want to turn it into a house guard.

The best thing you should do is to allow the dog to grow up with the ear and the tail, it will still look good.

Answer by blueberrygirl
Thank you all for your answers, opinions, and suggestions. I've decided to keep my puppies ears and tail the way nature has meant for them to be.
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