Can I Breed Brother and Sister Siberian Huskies?

Nora: I'm buying two Siberian Huskies which are brother and sister from a strong bloodline, can I breed them?

two siberian huskies lying in the snowtwo siberian huskies lying in the snow
Photo Credit: randihausken/Flickr CC

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Answer by Help
Can't breed siblings, or you stand the chance of having pups born with deformities. It would be just like a human Brother and Sister having babies.

Answer by dean allan
well, I have a female and her brother she has just come into heat he has tried to mount her but she just got wild at him I don't breed but I have another husky who I stud with but she won't let him I don't know if your female is the same but don't breed?

Breed them with someone who has the same dog.

Answer by bracco_america
Probably not. Inbreeding is a very precarious science and requires a lot of knowledge about genetics and that particular bloodline. Normally littermates are NOT bred because they are just too closely related. Inbreeding, as a whole, does two things: exaggerates the good qualities in a line, and exaggerates the bad. Just because your two dogs have perfect temperaments and conformation (which will be passed on), they might also carry a recessive gene for a genetic disorder that will show up in the pups. I'd say: don't do it. But talk to more husky breeders, read books on genetics, and then make a decision.

Answer by Don C
No, it would not be a wise thing to do. Even strong bloodlines have breed-specific genetic problems and inbreeding littermates is one way to ensure those genetic problems show up.

Answer by Phil W
Ahhh! Sounds like another BYB wanna be who doesn't have a clue as to how to do it.
Unless you want poor quality puppies with many health issues the answer to your question is NO!
What did the breeder that you are getting your puppies from say about your plans? Or is he a BYB too? And how about the bloodline. How strong is it? Does he show his dogs? Mush them? Or did he just tell you? Even papers aren't a good indicator as there are "kennel clubs" that BYBs use that are shams.

And do you know anything about Huskies at all?
Don’t get me wrong, the Siberian Husky is a great breed of dog, and I wouldn’t have anything else, BUT ask yourself, why do you want a Husky? Because of a couple of movies maybe? It doesn't sound as if you have done enough homework on the breed. These are NOT "starter" dogs by any stretch of the imagination. They REQUIRE a very experienced owner!

Huskies are a special breed that most definitely is not for everyone. Yes, they are beautiful. Everybody loves them until they get one and find out how much work they really are. Then they wind up in a shelter or worse due to no fault of their own.
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