Can a German Shepherd dog Live Outside in the Backyard?

Amy L: Can a German Shepherd live outside in the backyard?
Well, I really want a German Shepherd and my father wants one too. My mother is afraid of dogs so it can't ever go inside. So, it has to stay outside in the backyard. I'm planning on getting an adult one. Also, I'm going to have to go to school for 8hrs. So it also has to stay by itself at home until I come back. My father also wants a dog that can protect the house from any unwanted intruders.
A German Shepherd dog in the snowA German Shepherd dog in the snow
Photo Credit: michelbernierphotography/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by crazydaisy993
Well, I don't think it would be fair on the dog to never be allowed to go inside. If you were to give it a lot of shelter outside that would maybe be okay but animals require lots of love and attention. Don't get a dog just for it to be a less expensive alarm system, get one because you want a companion. Also, you should remember that having a big German Shepherd means that you will have to give it exercise as well.

Answer by Zero
You don’t sound like a very experienced dog owner at all! Yes, German Shepherds can sleep outside but dogs never allowed inside will develop serious behavioral problems! He will bark 24/7 because he is bored (neighbors will complain) and your backyard will be in utter ruin! If you see your dog merely as an alarm system instead of a companion… well, I would recommend you to stick with a proper alarm system.

It is highly likely your German Shepherd will snooze through the whole episode if a burglar breaks into your house. Reason being? He doesn’t feel a need to protect your house (maybe even the people in the house) since he is practically never allowed in-he is not bonded to the place. Having a dog as intelligent and athletic as a German Shepherd is a lot of responsibility and a lot of training is required to turn him into a well-mannered canine citizen.

Keep all that in mind and if you are ready to have a dog as part of your family, talk to your mom and get a puppy so she could get used to it, an adult German Shepherd is massive so it can be quite intimidating for someone who is not used to big dogs. My mom was quite nervous when she saw how big a fully grown German Shepherd is but she has no problem with my black German Shepherd pup!

Answer by Kristin
I have a german shepherd too at home.
my german shepherd really loves sunbathing...
at night...
I always open my door to the backyard...
just give him an option to choose where he wants to sleep..
he prefers sleeping outside than inside...
so I think it will just be ok...
good luck! :)

Answer by Colleen
I am not a dog owner, but I live two houses away from a family with a German Shepherd that they leave outside for about 8 hours a day (I'm assuming while they are at work, but they also seem to leave it out on weekends). The dog barks nonstop. I never thought something like this could have such an impact on my life but it has. I've been living here for 3 months and I never get good sleep or any peace when I'm awake. For your neighbors' sake just buy an alarm system. Also, it is really cruel to keep a dog like that outside and bored all day.

Answer by Yo\
I have a white German Shepherd puppy and he stays outside in the shade and has his own dog house with food toys and whatever he needs my mom used to not like dogs but we got a puppy so she loves him as her own son and it’s not cruel and unhealthy unless it gets no attention and is there for hours alone

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Answer by Susan
I guess that you haven't considered that a dog is a member of the family. If you want to play with a dog that lives outside 100% of the time and doesn't socialize with all family members, play with a wild coyote or wolf depending on where to live. Sure a Shepherd can live outside, and I guess your mother who already feats dogs can stay outside. A happy, healthy Shephard needs stimulation and exercise. They are working dogs. For you and your father to have a dog living in a cage in your backyard seems wrong. Maybe you could both volunteer at your local animal shelter until you can take care of a dog.

Answer by Dave
Yes, I agree with Susan, it is not fair to keep a dog separated from the family as they are social animals and also need a lot of attention. Mr. F also has a good suggestion about getting a puppy and raising it with the whole family so you can all bond together. The person asking the question does not seem to be very experienced with dogs, therefore, getting a Geman Shepherd as your first dog may be a little challenging, especially if it is introduced to you when it is an adult. This breed needs a lot of stimulation and exercise due to their size, energy levels, and intelligence, so I would say it is not OK to leave this kind of dog (or any dog actually) alone for eight hours every day. Dogs are supposed to be companions and should only be owned by people who can look after and care for them properly and give them the attention that they need.

Answer by Mr. F
Short answer, YES a German Shepherd can live outside, I have had several and they all were outside dogs. However, they always had proper shelter and shade too keep cool and out of the weather.

The long answer is get a PUPPY so your mom gets used too it as a baby and it will get used too her as well. I would never recommend bringing such a large animal into your family as an adult. You should get a puppy and raise it in your family, the bond it will forge with your entire family will be unbreakable and your mother will never have an issue with the dog.

Answer by Mark
German Shepherds have a double coat. The outer coat, which sheds all year round, is close and dense with a thick undercoat. The coat is accepted in two variants; medium and long. The German Shepherds are good in all weather, but I wouldn't leave it outside day after day. Below freezing isn't good for any dog, but make a proper shelter and they will be fine.
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