Best Dog Bark Control and Dog Training Devices by PetSafe

Dogs bark to communicate. If you have a pup that barks from time to time, it’s perfectly normal. There are times, however, when a dog’s barking can become excessive. A dog that’s busy barking away is a dog that isn’t focused on you or your commands, and he or she can end up getting hurt as a result.

One of the best dog care ideas in this situation is to use a bark control device - a training tool that can be used to effectively correct and reduce nuisance barking.

A bark control device senses barking and emits an aversive signal that deters a dog from continuing to bark. Depending on the type of device, the signal is communicated through touch (a static or vibrating sensation), smell (a citronella spray), or sound (ultrasonic tones).

Petsafe Outdoor Ultrasonic Bark DeterrentPetsafe Outdoor Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent

The static collar delivers an annoying static correction to your dog. You can choose the best level of correction yourself or set the device to start at the lowest level and increase proportionally until your dog stops barking.

The vibration collar delivers a random duration of vibration that interrupts the dog’s pattern of barking. This device is activated by a dog’s own bark (not by another dog barking nearby). These are useful tools for multiple dog households.

Spray collars deliver a gentle blast of citronella spray that interrupts barking. Dogs find the spray unpleasant and are gradually conditioned to stop barking.

Ultrasonic bark control devices deliver an unpleasant tone that dogs hear, but most humans cannot. There are two types of ultrasonic devices. The first is a stand-alone device that can be heard by multiple dogs. The second is an ultrasonic collar that is designed to only affect the dog wearing the collar.

In cooperation with PetSafe, the world’s leading manufacturer of such devices, Amazon is now offering huge deals on bark control and dog training products.

PetSafe Outdoor Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent

Your dog loves your yard. She enjoys playing fetch, chasing the squirrels back into the trees, and racing her shadow to and from your home. Yet, she barks at everything outside and it is driving you crazy. And, when she starts barking, it gets all the neighbors’ dog’s barking. Thus, the endless barking cycle begins. You and everyone in the neighborhood are losing sleep from the pets’ conversations all night long. You need a bark control solution, and the PetSafe Outdoor Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent is just the one for you!

How It Works

When a dog barks within the 50-foot range of the Outdoor Bark Control Deterrent, an internal microphone picks up the sound and activates the unit.
It emits an ultrasonic sound. Most humans will not be able to hear this tone, but it can be easily heard by dogs. Startled by the high-pitched sound, which is safe and effective for dogs of all sizes and breeds, the dogs barking will be deterred. Dogs will soon associate their barking with the unpleasant tone and will remain quiet to avoid the sound. When the dog stops barking, the ultrasonic sound also stops.

The Outdoor Bark Control has three range levels to choose from, which indicate what distance the barking will activate the unit. The test mode will ensure the microphone and speaker is working. Low Range will protect up to 15 feet, and Medium Range will double that measurement to 30 feet. The Range will maximize the unit to 50 feet. You can use the device to deter your barking dog or your neighbor’s dog. With its unique birdhouse disguise, your visitors and neighbors will never know what you are using it for.


  • Uses high-frequency ultrasonic sound to disrupt nuisance barking
  • Works on all dogs within hearing range
  • Ultrasonic sound projects in a cone shape of about 180 degrees in front of the speaker
  • Range up to 50 feet
  • Sound sensor detects the bark
  • Durable and weatherproof

PetSafe Bark Collar

You are so thankful for the unconditional love and companionship your dog brings into your world, but the volume level has been steadily increasing, and you aren’t a fan. If he seems to always have something to say and barks nonstop, the Bark Control Collar corrects the behavior with a static correction, meant to startle and not harm. With the PetSafe Deluxe Bark Control Collar, PDBC-300, you choose the modes and levels that work for your pet. If the barking continues, you can even set the collar to increase a level with each bark until the behavior is stopped. If you are in desperate need of peace and quiet, the Deluxe Bark Control Collar can help your dog give it to you.

How It Works
The Deluxe Bark Control Collar helps you train your dog and assist in controlling his barking habits. This collar uses patented Perfect Bark Technology to detect your dog’s bark through vibration and sound sensors to ensure that only your dog’s bark causes a correction. When detected, the collar begins on the lowest level of correction within the mode (low, medium, high) that you chose for your dog. If he continues to bark, the collar increases one level each time he barks within 30 seconds of the previous bark. Each correction mode has six levels. If your dog does not bark within 30 seconds, the Deluxe Bark Control Collar will reset itself to the lowest level of correction in the selected mode. Your dog will soon associate his bark with the correction and begin to change his barking behavior.


  • Patented Perfect Bark Technology uses sound and vibration sensors to detect your dog’s bark
  • Features 18 adjustable levels of static correction to find the perfect fit for your dog
  • 3 correction modes, each with 6 levels of static correction
  • Automatic safety shut-off; correction stops after 30 seconds
  • Setting for automatic increase after each subsequent bark
  • For dogs 8 lbs. and up
  • Durable, waterproof receiver collar
  • Uses PetSafe bark collar battery RFA-67 (included)

Both PetSafe Outdoor Ultrasonic Bark Deterrent and PetSafe Bark Collar give you the following benefits:

  • Discourage your dog’s excessive barking
  • Deter a neighbor's dog’s excessive barking (outdoor ultrasonic products – only)
  • Allows for the best-possible timing of correcting such a major problem
  • Allows for consistent correction so that the dog can quickly train out of the collar

Some tips for successive use of PetSafe bark collar:

  • Use bark control products only if your dog’s barking has become excessive
  • Consider your dog’s temperament when choosing which style you purchase
  • Always make sure your batteries are installed correctly before use
  • Never leave a bark collar on your dog for more than 8 hours at a time


Wireless communication has become common in our lives. Now you can communicate with your dog in a tech-savvy way, as well. Your dog wears the receiver collar and you manage the hand-held remote. When the button is pushed on the remote, a signal is delivered to the collar that communicates to our dog through sound, smell, or touch.

Static remote trainers communicate through touch. They deliver a sensation that is meant to be aversive enough for your pet to notice and respond without it being painful or too concerning.

Static remote trainers are sometimes referred to as “shock collars.” This is a misnomer when describing modern collars that have a wide range of stimulation levels.

All PetSafe remote trainers also have tones. The sounds can be used to mark or identify wanted behavior or to signal that a correction is about to happen for undesirable behavior. Many dogs learn quickly to respond to the tones, allowing you to fade out the static reinforcement.

Spray remote trainers deliver a burst of citronella spray toward your dog’s muzzle. They are designed to interrupt and/or correct unwanted behaviors. For most dogs, the spray is startling or annoying enough to deter the behavior.

Vibration trainers communicate with your dog through touch. They deliver variable levels of vibration that are comparable to a pager. Some dogs find this sensation to be very startling. In this case, a vibration trainer might be a useful correction for your dog to deter him from unwanted behavior such as digging.

Ultrasonic remote trainers take advantage of your pet’s sensitive hearing with a sound that is beyond the range of humans. They are designed to interrupt and/or correct unwanted behaviors.

PetSafe Training Collar for Little Dogs

Reliably train your little dog to commands and encourage better behavior. With the Petsafe Deluxe Remote Trainer for Little Dogs, you can be leash-free at the park or on those afternoon walks together after a few days of training. At the push of a button on your handheld remote, you can correct your dog’s behavior with a tone or static stimulation. With 16 correction levels built to suit most temperaments, you are sure to find the fit to get your little dog’s attention safely and start the process to off-leash freedom.

How It Works
The Little Dog Remote Trainer works by using a handheld remote transmitter to communicate with your dog’s receiver collar. From up to 100 yards away, it can send a signal in the form of a safe, static interruption, meant to startle and not harm your pet. Use the correction to ward against your pet running too far in front of you, chasing other dogs or people or just to improve the communication between you and your dog. Your dog will soon associate her behavior with the correction and you will have a well-behaved pet!


  • Create the ability to train your little dog off-leash
  • 16 adjustable levels of static correction plus an instant +2 Boost button
  • Communicate effectively with your dog from up to 100 yards away
  • Tone-only mode alerts your pet with a beep and provides a non-static option for training
  • Waterproof receiver collar
  • Suitable for dogs 8 lbs. and up
  • 1 dog training only
  • Collar and remote use PetSafe RFA-35-11 batteries (included)
  • The batteries should last for approximately one month.

PetSafe Training Collar for Big Dogs

Your big dog holds a big spot in your heart, but even small issues can create a larger problem. If your relaxing jogs turn into chasing your dog down the street and he starts jumping on his new friends, these are behaviors you probably want to be corrected. The PetSafe Deluxe Remote Trainer for Big Dogs is the perfect solution to help you have a well-trained big dog, by using a tone or gentle static interruption. With the touch of a button, this battery-powered system allows you the freedom of off-leash training for up to 100 yards. The sleek, waterproof collar emits a mild static correction with up to 16 different correction levels, plus an added +2 boost option that is easy to operate from the handheld transmitter.

The batteries should last for approximately one month. However, if the collar is left on 24 hours per day, the batteries will drain quickly.

How It Works
The training collar is activated by a handheld remote transmitter that is designed to contour to your hand, making the remote comfortable and easy to operate. With the push of a button, you can get your dog’s attention from up to 100 yards away with a tone or mild static interruption. Since the electronic training system offers 16 levels of correction and an added +2 boost function, you can find the right level for your big dog with a simple push of a button on the remote as needed.

Your 40-pound or larger dog will wear the Big Dog Remote Trainer Receiver Collar unit on a nylon collar that is easily adjustable to fit your pet perfectly, with neck sizes up to 32 inches. The 16 levels of correction and added +2 boost function ensure you can find the perfect level for your big dog’s even bigger personality. A convenient button on the front of the collar unit turns on and off with ease.

In a few short training sessions, you can teach your dog a wide variety of behaviors. A training manual is included to help bring out the best in your big dog.

Yard and Park PetSafe Training Collar

If you’re like most pet owners, you love your dog but have a few behaviors your dog has you would like to change. If you have tried to get your dog to listen with little luck, it’s time to take a new approach. The PetSafe Yard & Park Remote Dog Trainer, PDT00-12470 can help you communicate with and train your pet without a leash at home, on a walk, and on your favorite outdoor adventures.

The remote-assisted PetSafe PDT00-12470 Yard & Park Remote Dog Trainer has a range of 400 yards, a rechargeable battery, 8 levels of static correction, and 8 levels of stimulation to help you praise your dog when he or she is doing a good job. This is an effective training tool to teach your dog to differentiate between desirable and undesirable behavior. With such a big range, this trainer is suitable to dogs that weigh 8 pounds and up. A waterproof remote and receiver collar is rechargeable which means no buying batteries. It has 8 levels of correction and fits any dog comfortably. Positive and negative tone buttons condition the dog to be trained as desired.

How It Works
The Yard and Park Remote Trainer works by using the remote transmitter to communicate with your dog’s rechargeable collar. From up to 400 yards away, it can send a signal in the form of a safe, static interruption, training her to correct her inappropriate behaviors.


  • Dogs 8 lbs and up may be trained
  • The Yard and Park Trainer reaches up to a 400-yard range
  • With 8 levels of corrections, you are able to find just the right one for your pet’s personality and size
  • Includes positive and negative tones for training
  • Waterproof remote and Receiver Collar
  • A good/low battery indicator lets you know when your system needs to be charged

Popular uses for remote dog trainers:

  • Make obedience training quick and effective
  • Stop leash-pulling on walks and runs
  • Teach your dog to “Come” from a far distance
  • Keep your dog’s attention in open spaces

Some tips for successive remote dog training:

  • Watch our ‘Getting Started’ video above! Step-by-step instructions are also included in our training guide
  • Have the dog standing when you fit the collar
  • Pair your initial training with a treat reward
  • Start using tone or the lowest level possible, and only move up as needed.

Remember, these bark control and dog training devices aren’t miracle cures. But if you use them alongside proper training, you’ll see results faster than you ever imagined.

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