Are Weimaraners Aggressive Toward Other Pets?

Q: Are Weimaraners aggressive toward other pets - dogs, cats?
I already have a 3-year-old neutered German Shepard who I believe could benefit from a friend. I also have a 3-year-old tabby cat. Both were raised together inside. Are they good with people and kids? How is Weimaraner and cats?
A cat is lying on a sleeping Weimaraner dogA cat is lying on a sleeping Weimaraner dog
Photo Credit: Janet's Photography/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by OhIDoDoI
Weimaraners, like all dogs, can make great pets... they're notoriously high-energy though, so unless you have the time and motivation to take them for at least one or two long intense running or biking sessions per day, it might not be the right breed for you.

Answer by Chloe
They are VERY hyper and need a lot of exercises but they get along with most other dogs and cats.

Answer by That Guy
They are very intelligent dogs and do train fairly easily, they are great with people and other animals, but do have a prey drive as were/are bred as wonderful hunting dogs. They are however very high energy, they must be running A LOT

Answer by dmg1969
My sister-in-law has one. They are extremely high energy, so you'd better be ready to walk and play and walk and play and walk and play...

Answer by Weimaraner Mom
Weimaraners make great pets if trained PROPERLY from puppyhood. Training doesn't stop at housebreaking and tricks like sit, stay, etc. I mean intensive training. You must be boss because otherwise, your Weimaraner will be. They are stubborn and hard-headed, they require SUMS OF MONEY for medical. They are clumsy, needy, suffer from separation anxiety are territorial (bark at dogs and strangers that enter the property) they have a very high prey drive (cats are prey) they have incredibly sensitive stomachs (hence sums of money needed) cannot be fed people food EVER. they do not have a HIGH energy level like a jack russell terrier or rat terrier, they have a medium to high energy level.

Now, with all that being said, I have a Weimaraner and I love her to death. She is all of the above, but I work with her all the time, I crate trained her because she chewed a lot the first two years, she goes to the park on the days she does not go to daycare and she also attends agility classes once a week so I make sure she gets exercised a lot, on days I can't go to the park she runs alongside my bike, however, she doesn't go nutty if she is denied a walk due to bad weather. She's very mellow in the house. She has a super sensitive stomach so she's a regular visitor to the vet's office.
She can be stubborn but you've got to be the boss at ALL times you cannot give an inch so it's a good thing that my sister's boyfriend is strict because I baby her sometimes. They are velcro dogs and will follow you everywhere, I haven't peed alone in 2 1/2

She does suffer slightly from separation anxiety but daycare helps plus having my sister's dog as a companion on the days she doesn't get to daycare. She thinks our guinea pig is prey so we have to keep an eye on her. If raised as a puppy around a cat then they are accepting of them just not the other way around.

If you have the time, energy and patience they make great dogs. They must be socialized ALOT around people and dogs. If raised with children they can be very loving dogs, my niece dresses my Weim up in clothes and she lets her. She pulls her and positions her on the couch and she lets her, she doesn't nip, bite, struggle she allows her to do whatever she wants to her and is an angel.

I stress the constant training from day one because my father ended up with a Weimaraner that became vicious and very hard to handle because she wasn't trained properly from the beginning, she was never socialized with people or dogs and became fearful making her fear aggressive.

Weims can be wonderful dogs but they aren't for everyone. Please research them thoroughly before deciding on one.

Answer by trickster_19
Weimaraners have a variety of different traits. They are very loyal to their family but tend to be a little wary and aloof with strangers. They can also be slightly aloof with strange dogs, particularly between the sexes (male-male, female-female). Of course, aloof doesn't mean aggressive, but they are not generally like Labs and Goldens for example who want to be everyone's best friend. If you have a Shepherd you are probably already very experienced with a dog that can be aloof with people and other dogs.

Weims are also very high energy - tireless even. They are bred to run and hunt and have endless stamina.
They have a reputation for being stubborn and can be challenging to train.

Answer by gentleannie
Their good with children, at least the one I know is and she's great with other dogs & cats because the people I know have 2 little girls, a cat, a Lab & cocker spaniel, but they are a little stubborn kinda like a hound is, I have 2 greyhounds I might as well talk to a wall, but they destroy nothing and never have had an accident in the house since trained and I think that's what the Weimaraner is like, she is also beautiful a little smaller than most of her breed.

Answer by Matt
Weimaraners are fast and powerful dogs but are also suitable home animals given appropriate training & exercise. These dogs are not as sociable towards strangers as other hunting dogs such as Labradors and Golden Retrievers. Weimaraners are very protective of their family and can be very territorial. They can be aloof to strangers and must be thoroughly socialized when young to prevent aggression. They are also highly intelligent, sensitive and problem-solving animals, which earned them an epithet "dog with a human brain". From adolescence, a Weimaraner requires extensive exercise in keeping with an energetic hunting dog bred and prized for their physical endurance and stamina. No walk is too far, and they will appreciate games and play in addition. An active owner is more likely to provide vigorous exercising, games, or running that this breed absolutely requires. Weimaraners are high-strung, requiring appropriate training to learn how to calm them and to help them learn to control their behavior. Owners need patience and consistent, firm (yet kind) training, as this breed is particularly rambunctious during the first year and a half of its life. Like many breeds, untrained and unconfined young dogs often create their own fun when left alone, such as chewing house quarters and furniture. Thus, many that are abandoned have behavioral issues as a result of isolation and inferior exercise.


It should never be forgotten that the Weimaraner is a hunting dog and therefore has a strong, instinctive prey drive. Weimaraners will sometimes tolerate cats, as long as they are introduced to the cats as puppies, but many will chase and frequently kill almost any small animal that enters their garden or backyard. In rural areas, most Weimaraners will not hesitate to chase deer or sheep. However, with good training, these instincts can be curtailed to some degree. A properly trained Weimaraner is a wonderful companion that will never leave its master's side.

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