Are there any pitbull haters around?

Cheer is my life: Disses to pitbull haters?
The Dog not the singer. I need comebacks for people who think that pitbulls are bad dogs.
pit bull photopit bull photo
Photo Credit: melgupta/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by fairys wear boots.
If you can't even spell Pit Bulls right, then just stay out of it.
Disses don't matter, you need FACTS. And if you know nothing of the breed, then just keep your mouth shut because we have enough "pit bull advocates" who do just as much damage trying to defend the breed as the haters.

Answer by Emily
My friends have some of the most cuddly and sweetest pits. It's all in how they're raised - like any other dog.

Answer by Labluf
Pitbull haters are a minority, albiet a very obnoxious and LOUD minority -_-; There really isn't much you can say to them that'll be accepted, as most are so stuck up believing only what they want and are way too arrogant or proud to actually bother researching any facts on their own and instead choose to allow faulty media dictate their opinions for them. Ever heard of the saying "Don't argue with an idiot or they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experiance" (or however it goes)? Well, haters, of just about any kind, including pitbull haters, are those idiots.

Trust me, no matter how factual and accurate your argument or how reasonable, they'll pretty much just stick their fingers in their ears and go "lalala, I can't hear you" till you get fustrated enough to try punching their moronic faces in in which point they'll snap their fingers and say "HA! Proof that all pitbull lovers are violent morons!"
There's no arguing with them. Just give them a pitying smile, realize their fear of proven facts probably cripples their relationship with sane people and should be classified as a mental illness, and move on. Or you can try playing their game and be obnoxiously loud yourself, but that won't really prove anything.

But in the very rare event you actually find a pitbull hater willing to listen to reason, here are some facts to try jamming into their misled head:

  • Pitbulls are one of the most common breeds, second only to retrievers, and some recent studies can argue that they are the most common breed now. With such huge numbers, of course you'll see more "pitbull" bites then something more obscure like a klee-kai.
  • "pitbull" isn't a single breed. It's a collab of breeds that include pretty much every floppy-eared dog with wide smiles. This can mean boxers, American bulldogs, American pitbull terriers/staffordshires, Cane Corso, and so on. Depending on some areas, labs fall under the "pit-type" breed.
  • Most news source and other media tend to change the breed of dog that attacked. For excample, a recent attack of a golden retriever that killed a child (when the duo where left alone in the whole house no less.) and some actual newspappers changed the breed from "family golden retriever" to "pit-type" dog. When called out on this error, made the bogus claim that pink noses are only found in pitbulls.
  • There has NEVER been a country or county that BSL has succeeded in. In fact, most places with BSL in place have seen an INCREASE in dog attacks. This is because BSL restricts proper training and crucial socialization of a dog in question.
  • BSL does not impact only "pit-type" dogs, and some places ban over 80 breeds.
  • EVERY dog breed out there has been used in a dog fight. Huskies are just as common as pit-type breeds. This makes the pitbull are naturally dog-aggressive argument invalid.
  • There has NEVER been a report of a neutered indoor pitbull killing anyone.
  • Most dog bites happen when a child and dog is left unnattended, the dog is left outside most of it's life, the dog is injured/has a health problem, or a female in heat is nearby. No dog suddenly turns aggressive. There are always hints and signs, but some people are too ignorant of dogs to notice them.
  • The news do NOT report facts. They report only what'll get them an audiance. Which sounds more shocking; "Neglected outdoor mixed-bred kills abusive teen" or "family pitbull kills child"? According to society, the latter is the way to go.

Answer by Dalaynee
I agree with you pit bulls are amazing dogs people see them by the stories around them I wish I could get one

Answer by Labluf
-Recent studies have proven over and over that pitbulls are not even in the top ten of aggressive dogs. They're not even in the top 50! The most aggressive dog is actually the dachshund, followed by the chihuahua. Toy breeds dictate the aggressive dog list.
-ANY dog can kill, even a toy breed. Not too long ago, a pomeranian killed an infant. The most fatal thing about dog bite's is not usually the blood lost or pain during the attack, but the infection that occurs later if the bite isn't treated immediately.
-Of the THOUSANDS of "pit bulls" out there, only ~30 attacks have been reported last year, and vets and doctors claim that over half of those reports are actually done by other breeds. Even if all 30 attacks where pit-type dogs, that means less then 1% have attacked someone.
-Pitbulls have an above average passing rate of the ATTS. They are among the top five for most well-behaved and friendly dogs according to ATTS.
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