Are Beagles Hard Dogs to Train?

Q: Is it true that Beagles are hard to train??
My friend, as well as his mom, say that Beagles are hard dogs to house train and whatnot.
See, when I move out I want to get a dog and train it to be really smart to kind of show-off when I have guests. I love the Beagle, they are so adorable. I just want a dog that is really well mannered and does a variety of tricks.
trained beagle dogtrained beagle dog
Photo Credit: gmeger/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Rottweiler23
yes Beagles are very hard to train

Answer by Love
It depends, but Beagles are one of the harder dogs to train. I am getting a standard poodle, and they are extremely intelligent. Don't let the poofs fool you! They're not all brawn! They're brains too!

Answer by Jimmy
Yes, Beagles can be hard to train. However, with my Beagle, I trained him the normal commands and he follows them, but for your beagle to be completely trained, I promise you it will be a hard task.

Answer by Sara
Beagles are very hard to house train and not really well mannered. They've been bred for years to run in a pack, chase anything smaller than them and make a ton of noise while doing so. Having one Beagle is not fair to the dog and unless you run a long distance every day and are willing to put up with a dog baying at all hours of the night, don't get a Beagle. They're very stubborn and will test your authority. Smart dogs get themselves in major trouble without enough stimulation because they get bored.
I worked as a vet tech for years and the two hardest dog breeds to train (in my opinion) are Beagles and Dachshunds.
If you want a dog of similar size but with an easier personality, look into Cairn Terriers.

Photo Credit: kicksave2930/Flickr CC

Answer by ~Megan360~
Sometimes in training a hunting dog, you may need to use an electric collar. This is a collar that you put around the dog that has electrodes in it and everytime you feel the hunting dog is not following a specific command you gave you can press a button so the dog gets a shock through the collar. This helps in training the hunting dog by that when they get these shocks they began to learn when they’ve done something wrong.

Yes and no.
Beagles are easy in one respect... They will do anything for food!

The youngest of my three rescues is primarily Beagle and arrived an untrained, hyperactive, ill-mannered, biting, fat/40 pound 9-month-old. None of his food came from a bowl, it was all hand fed to get him to comply with our requested behaviors. I potty bell trained him in a few days. Again, lots of food rewards as incentive each time we took him out to the toilet. Same with other behaviors like sit, down and come. He was very quick to learn and comply for food rewards.

This method, called classical conditioning and positive rewards training is easy on dog and trainer, but different from older, force methods of dog training.

The part that may be hard, and specific to some breeds, including Beagles:
* they are high energy, working dogs and need TONS of exercise every day.
* you and other people, must be consistent or the dog will start breaking the rules.
* they must never be loose as their nose can override training.
* they do not like to be alone. Beagles are bred to hunt in packs, they HATE being alone. A potty trained Beagle will soil the floor, destroy the house and howl until someone returns home.

A Beagle may not be the ideal dog for a working person that lives alone. The howling and tendency to bark make them a poor choice for an apartment. Because they require consistent training they are not a great pick for a novice dog trainer/owner. They have the tendency to counter surf (they move stuff and climb). They can be nippy and should not be around very young children unsupervised for that reason.

I am home full time and keep my pack busy and tired. My Beagle boy was a big challenge to get him to stop biting and trying to get on the counters. After more than 2 years with us, he is still a busy boy. He is also the funniest darn dog I ever had. Drives me crazy, but his crazy is kinda contagious and amusing.

I am not alone...

Photo Credit: filmismylove/Flickr CC

Answer by SC
Training your Beagle dog is always more fun and easier if you have people in your area that are doing the same thing. Actually, Beagle clubs and hunting clubs in general are more numerous than people think but finding them can be hard. AKC does have a search feature on their website for performance clubs.
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