American Hairless Terrier and Sloughi Are Recognized By AKC

American Hairless Terrier girlAmerican Hairless Terrier girl
The American Kennel Club announced this week that the American Hairless Terrier and the ancient North African Sloughi hound have joined 187 other dog breeds recognized by the organization. The newcomers can now compete in most AKC shows and competitions, and - starting from next year - they can take part at the prominent Westminster Kennel Club show.

Many American Hairless Terriers are  bare-skinned, though others have short coats but carry the hairless gene. These lively, inquisitive terriers can do well at canine sports and as pets for people with dog-hair allergies. (Photo Credit: xmacex/Flickr )

The Sloughi (pronounced SLOO-ghee), also known as the Arabian greyhound, was developed to hunt game as big as gazelles. The lean, leggy dogs have some similarities to Salukis, another hound breed from North Africa.

The road to becoming recognized by the AKC can take several years. Criteria for AKC recognition include having several hundred dogs of the breed nationwide.

Breeds have to have a National Breed Club behind them, like the Sloughi has the American Sloughi Association. The breed club then petitions to be added to the Miscellaneous Class, where they can compete with other breeds not yet recognized.

While there is no established timeline for adding new breeds, dogs typically compete in the Miscellaneous Class for up to three years, according to the AKC.

"We're excited to welcome these two unique breeds into the AKC family," AKC Vice President Gina DiNardo said.

Being recognized by the AKC will allow them to compete in more than 22,000 events this year.


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