This pet-friendly site is not only for dog lovers. Its mission is to provide information for dog fans as well as the general public about the Russian dog breeds that are quickly gaining popularity outside Russia.
We are not trying to educate potential Russian dog owners but we want to offer them a handy tool for additional learning and communication. On this site, you can find regularly updated and popular lists of Russian male dog names and Russian female dog names, a list of Russian dog commands with audio, and lots of other useful things.
The materials on this website do not constitute professional advice of any kind on any subject.
We are doing our best to make the provided information as complete and accurate as possible. In case we have missed something important, we allow our users to post comments on any of our pages. accepts user-generated content including all related material from third party sources which can sometimes include copyrighted images, videos, written works, etc.
Third-party, user-generated content is not within's control. However, we respect the copyright interests of others, and it is our policy not to permit materials known by us to infringe another party’s copyright to remain on the Russian Dog website.
If you believe that the material available on our site infringes on your copyright(s), please first notify us by email to communicate the issue you've seen on the site.
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Address: The Russian dog website is physically hosted at HostGator LLC 5005 Mitchelldale, Suite #100 Houston, TX 77092 USA
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Photo Credit: Tundra Ice Photography/Flickr CC
We invite Russian dog breeds kennels for free dog advertising on our pages. We are ready to publish your kennel’s information on the corresponding Russian dog breeders’ page or to include its link in the list of our featured dog websites.
We will be glad if you tell us a few words about your kennel and your wonderful Russian dogs and puppies. Please feel free to attach some of your dogs’ and puppies’ pictures as well. These materials may be used in our Russian dog breeders' reviews, which we are planning to publish in the future.
Please use the contact form (above) to submit your proposal.
P.S Every single member of our team has 1-3 dogs in their homes :)
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