Siberian Husky vs Samoyed - Which is Better? (10 Answers)

Q: What dog is better overall a Siberian Husky or a Samoyed?
Training wise, companionship, playfulness, care needed, how they are with people and other animals, and what they are like as puppies, things like that...

Answers and Views:

Answer by GingerJew
I would say that the Siberian Husky would be better for a small family two adults an older child, but if you have younger kids you should get the Samoyed. I say this because I would consider the Husky more aggressive.

Answer by Ginger C Veloz
We have a beautiful female Sammy and she is wonderful! We take her everywhere! We walk her off-leash and she is extremely obedient. For us, it’s a no-brainer, Sammys all the way!!!!

Beautiful Samoyed puppyBeautiful Samoyed puppy
Photo Credit: ColinD13/Flickr CC

Answer by i <3 pups
We'll start with the Samoyed, which I recommend:

The Samoyed is a little more obedient than the Husky, but both are not very easy to train. They both do great in cold weather and they both shed a lot. Samoyeds are more devoted and affectionate towards the family. These are very gentle towards people, especially children. It is definitely not as active as the husky, but still needs exercise, about 4 long walks, 2 romps in the yard, and an hour-long session of playtime. Samoyeds are very high maintenance though: they need at least 20 min. of brushing with a firm, metal bristled slicker brush, and a pro job is done monthly. these are great for beginners.

Siberian Huskies are sort of stubborn. they are definitely not as affectionate, though somewhat devoted. They are very, very energetic and playful; they can't just have a daily walk, at least a mile-long jog, or a long bicycle ride. They are not as high maintenance but need weekly brushing and every 2-4 months a pro job should be done. These aren't These are even-tempered towards everyone. These should probably be handled by an experienced owner.

Both dogs are great, but to me, the Samoyed is best! hope I helped!

FUNNY VIDEO: Husky Loses Competition but Wins Hearts

Answer by bugsy
The Samoyed pup will adapt to your lifestyle more easily. Samoyeds are probably the most easily trained of all the nordic breeds. That said, you will most likely not be able to walk either of these dogs off the lead, as they are both bred to run for long distances without stopping, particularly the Husky, and when they slip the lead, that is what they tend to do.

The Husky is a very primitive breed that does not take well to traditional methods of obedience training and can be very hierarchical with other dogs. Unless you're very experienced with dogs, go for the Samoyed. Just be prepared for lengthy daily grooming sessions. These dogs get out of control coats very quickly but are great personalities.

Answer by Van
We have both a Samoyed and a Husky most of the above applies to our dogs as well. Though our Husky is not per se friendlier towards humans than our Samoyed he is more interested in hugs and stuff than our Samoyed. They will and have hunted cats, ducks birds, and even caught the occasional fish!!

They are determined hunters and can not be of the lead the only time we let them of the lead on at a time is on the beach but only if we are 100% sure that there are no horses around since they will go after de horses in a split second. They listen fairly well but when instinct kicks in you are no longer part of their life they will not obey.

Answer by Alex
TRAINING: Huskies are stubborn and very smart they will only do things if they know they'll get something out of it, Samoyed are kind of the same but a tad bit easier.

COMPANIONSHIP: Husky and Samoyed are about the same HONESTLY every dog is about the same in this category it all depends on how well you train them.

PLAYFULNESS: Husky takes the cake for this one very active and always wants to go in for car rides and jogs I LOVE THEM

CARE NEEDED: If your talking about grooming an illness then I'd say both. Because they have such thick coats and need grooming at least once a week.

PEOPLE: Again depends on how you raise them.
ANIMALS: Depends on how you raise them :)


Answer by Rachel
I've owned Samoyeds for many years, but before I became involved with them I researched both breeds.
Here's what I know about the similarities and the differences between Samoyed and Siberian Husky.

They are both northern breeds with similar traits. They are independent thinkers, as they may decide they would rather do X when you ask them to do Y. So training is important and both are more "interesting" (challenging) to train than your average Golden Retriever. Samoyeds are more people-oriented than Siberians. This makes them somewhat easier to train. They are also more demanding of your time. Siberians need more extreme exercise, but Samoyeds still need plenty.

They both will dig with great determination. Both like to escape and roam, the Siberian is generally a bit worse. Both can have prey drive towards smaller animals, typically the Samoyed has less. Both breeds are very good at getting into trouble when they are not supervised, crating is pretty mandatory.

Samoyeds have more of a tendency towards barking, a potential owner should be aware of what they can do to minimize this. Most importantly NEVER reward a dog for barking. If they bark for their dinner, no dinner until they are quiet.

Grooming is more intensive for a Samoyed than a Siberian  Husky. It is not difficult but it IS time-consuming.

Samoyeds are more friendly and outgoing towards strangers than Siberians. They aren't typically all over a stranger they just met like many Goldens, but still quite friendly.

If you are willing to put up with the extra grooming, can work to manage barking, and want a dog that needs to be a big part of your life, then I think a Samoyed has the best temperament and is the more rewarding dog to own.

RUMBLE VIDEO: Husky vs Samoyed

Answer by M. Evan Brooks
One important addendum: homeowner’s insurance. Many insurance companies will either refuse coverage or add an insurance premium for a husky. I had an insurance agent do a visitation and he queried me as to the breed; when I replied it was a Samoyed, he said that it was okay, but a husky would have been a problem.

He noted that his company had seven “problem” breeds:

(1) Wolf-Hybrids
(2) Pit Bull
(3) Doberman
(4) Chow
(5) German Shepherd
(6) Husky
(7) Rottweiler

Other companies may have different procedures, but it is something to consider …

Answer by Rugratz
As an owner of a Malamute (Husky type) unless you dedicate yourself to your dog 100% then I would go for the Samoyed. They both have wonderful temperaments, to everyone if trained correctly, I know very little about Samoyeds apart from the ones I have met, all were lovely dogs, unless a Husky is brought up with small animals they can consider them as pray, especially local cats.

Both shed hair, husky breeds Blow twice a year, and you will find hardly a surface in your home that does not have a pile of dog hair on it, even if you are careful there will be hair in your food, so that's not for everyone.

Husky breeds are perfectly trainable but if they cannot see the point in doing something you will not get them to do it. They are not for the weak-hearted or a first-time dog.

I would go and visit some breeders, talk to them any that are worth anything will give you the facts, about Samoyed vs Husky, good and bad. the last thing they want is for someone to want to return the dog after three months because you cannot cope.

Answer by Otter
Samoyed are lovely dogs who tend to be extremely gentle I would highly suggest one of them. As Husky can be aggressive if not given a ton of attention.
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