Fox: What is a good age to start breeding a male chihuahua?
I'm getting a puppy and my girlfriend has a female chihuahua that is 4 years old. How old is a good age for male chihuahua's to breed?
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Answer by lilcslilhottie
at least 1yr or 2 old that way the dog don't got any problems
Answer by MamaB
Okay – questions back. Have you looked into the pedigrees of these two? How closely/not closely are they related?
Another question – since there isn't a dog that doesn't have faults, conformation-wise, are you and your girlfriend experienced enough to know whether these two have similar faults, or whether they have faults the other will help to correct (given you haven't actually bought your puppy male yet!!)
Are you intending to test this pair for any problems that might be in Chihuahuas?
Finally in answer to your question, males are able to mate as soon as 7 months (been there, done that!). I suggest your girlfriend gets her female spayed as soon as she can. Four years, for a first litter (and it will be closer to 5 before she might have these puppies now), is TOO OLD.
Get this pair neutered, and love them for what they are – your pets.
Answer by ♥Pitbull love
Dont breed your dogs, theres already too many unwanted dogs in the shelters, dont add to it.
And besides, the female is too old, by the time the male is fully grown, the female will be too old to breed.
Dont add to the unwanted dogs in shelters.
Answer by Stacey S.
do not do that.. leave it to professionals, get them fixed as it could also cause complications with the female after and/or during birth..
Answer by LOVE4ALL
Please people be considerate. I do not believe that only the purest of breeds should be bred, as long as there are loving homes. Yes I do have a pure blood of impeccable temperament, and has been fully endorsed. However the belief that only the best and purest of breeding should be propagated went out with Hitler.
As for your question, and I will agree with personality and temperament make sure they are compatible, ask your vet. Your vet can give you the best information on each of the Chihuahuas in question.
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