Dogo Argentino and Chihuahua: Will they Get Along Well?

Brittney: Can a Dogo Argentino live in the same house as a Chihuahua?
I heard the Dogo is a good dog that is easy to train. Do you think a male would get along ok with a little female Chihuahua?

dogo argentino on the grassdogo argentino on the grass
Photo Credit: Ormando SLR/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by ★☆★☆★ Gain
It should be okay, SHOULD. But you need to make sure that both dogs are aware of each other's size, and their own. Don't want Dogo crushing little Chi now, do we? Just so you know, in the UK Dogos are listed as a dangerous breed and are banned, so make sure they're not banned where you live :)

Answer by Alex
My female Dogo and male chihuahua are fine together. The male is fixed, but not the female.

Answer by Jojo
I have a female Dogo Cane Corso cross and a female toy American Eskimo. Two females is a bad idea. They have to be watched; the Eskimo will attack Dogo and it’s dangerous. But even at the dog park the Dogo sort of messes with little dogs and I have to tell her no. I think the dynamics of a male and female might be a plus but I would not purposely choose to have a small dog with my dogo. She is over 100lbs and plays rambunctiously in a dominating way always with little dogs. I have never had an aggression issue with her with dogs yet but absolutely protective on the leash if a person Follows behind.

Answer by Dont Litter! Taking a break
I don't know, maybe if raised from the beginning with the Chihuahua. But Dogos are in a different league than most breeds. They are a renown hunting breed bred to take down wild boar. These dogs are HIGHLY prey driven.

Answer by marifromsyc
The Dogo Argentino is a large, strong dog with a high prey drive, meaning that it's in its nature to hunt down other animals. That doesn't make it a bad dog; that's what it was bred to do. In many homes, the Dogo makes a wonderful pet; it's trainable and is great with people. But you do need to understand its limitations; every breed of dogs has them, and understanding what they are and how to work with them is the key to being a good owner.

I would imagine, if you're determined to have a Dogo, your best bet would be to get a young puppy from a very reliable breeder who can match you up with a pup with a softer temperament, then raise it with your chihuahua. But honestly, if it were me, I wouldn't even go there. Training can only go so far in counteracting genetics. Even in innocent play, the possibility would always be there that the larger, stronger Dogo could seriously injure or kill the tiny, delicate Chihuahua.

Sorry - that's my advice.

Answer by Keith
If you get a Dogo as a puppy and raise it with the Chihuahua it should work fine. however in the event of a through down the Dogo will win.
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