Samoyed vs Chow Chow (which breed is better)?

Q: What dog breed is better - a Chow Chow or a Samoyed dog
I'm thinking of getting a dog soon and I researched the best two dogs that I like - Samoyed and Chow Chow. But I don't know the pros and cons of both dogs.
I have 3 more people in my family, a large house, a yard too, a big space.
Siberian Samoyed dog lying in the woodSiberian Samoyed dog lying in the wood
Photo Credit: Caninest/Flickr CC

Answers and Views:

Answer by Goldengal
Go with the Samoyed! The Chow Chow is a very aggressive dog and not very family-friendly. They are very protective and don't usually warm up to strangers.
Samoyed is a bit more family-friendly and they do like people.

Answer by drezdogge
They are two very different breeds.
Samoyed sounds like it would fit better in your home. Chows are really loners and like a quiet environment while Samoyeds love a big family and lots of excitement.
But they are melodramatic and noisy and shed a lot.

Answer by Alex
To any first-time dog owners, get a Samoyed, they are an easier and generally friendlier breed. Chow Chows are great, and I grew up with one, however they are an extremely difficult dog to raise and must be VERY carefully socialized or they will bite. Chows are best for small families of experienced dog raisers, preferably one or two people.

Answer by Kathleen Gerwin
I have raised chows for years off and on. I have also raised Samoyeds. They are both loyal dogs. I have one of each now and they get along great. My chow gets along with my grandchildren. You cannot hit a chow you have to reprimand them verbally. It is not good to hit any dog or any animal they will defend themselves. Chows really don't need a lot of room, mostly just like to sleep and be near their owners. They are extremely loyal.

Samoyeds are great also but are barkers and diggers and they also are extremely loyal to their owners and are very friendly to everyone.

These two breeds are my favorite but buy them from private breeders, not mills or pet stores, you are getting the breeders leftovers and you don't get to see the parents. Introduce them at a very early age and they will be fine.

I also have cats my Samoyed is fine with them but not my chow. He is older and thinks it's a game they run and he chases but he plays rough and they can't handle it and the outcome is fatal. I would not ever consider another dog then one of these two. They shed in clumps which is much easier than individual hairs. You can just pull the clumps out of them when you see them. My male is very laid back and will only play for a few minutes and then he's done, it's like he's saying enough is enough and playing is overrated. My Samoyed will play all day, running and jumping, she needs lots of room to explore. No better dogs than these two breeds.

Answer by laldybug
I have been around both the samoyed and Chow Chows.
Our best friends have two boys and at one time had a Chow Chow that bit one of their children. They need up putting the chow down.
As for the samoyed – they are a loving dog and good with children. Both breeds are high maintenance and need lots of space.
Hope this helps.

Answer by Minn Oo
The negative things people said about Chows are not entirely true. I grew up around Chows and currently own one. It depends on how the owner raises one. If they spend time trying to socialize their Chows with other pups when they were younger, they would be okay as they get older even though if they may not try to play together and such.

Some Chows show sudden aggression due to the way some people approach them. They don't like to be touched on top of their head by people they're not close to and they don't like to be teased a lot. They would respect you for the respect you show them.


They're very high maintenance, stubborn and very loyal to one or two favorite people and will listen to their favorite people. They are okay with family if you raise them right and not treat them like some toy you can horse around any way you please. If you dedicate your affection, time and energy with this type of breed, you will earn back a hundredfold.

Answer by Guest
Samoyed and Chow Chow are similar. And it is no true that Chow Chow is aggressive and bite by their nature. It is true they are very protective and loyal and it is very difficult to train them. Any dog could be like that, depends on love and care from the owner.

Answer by André
I do have a Chow Chow and I’ll just say this. Once you get a Chow Chow, you will never like any other dog. These dogs are capable of such loyalty and dedication different than any other breed. It's not true that they won't learn, it just requires dedication… this kind of dog is not designed to run after a ball. Please just see the movie of Hatchiko with is an Akito breed very similar to the Chow Chow in terms of temperament and loyalty.

These dogs are not those kinds of dogs that jump and run all over the place, its a quiet dog that walks just beside you and won't ever leave you behind.
funny fact, they are not sociable dogs, you cant introduce him to a person and expect him to let the person touch him. But they won't bite for sure, they just like to be touch by the owners or from people they are used to lead with.
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