7 Best Guard Dogs for a Young Woman in an Apartment

Q: Which dog is the best guard dog to have in an apartment setting?
I am a 20-year-old female. I am moving into an apartment by myself in a new city. It is too late for me to find a roommate so I decided I need to get a dog. I cannot decide which dog would be best as a guard dog to protect me. I am stuck with either a Rottweiler or a Doberman. Does anyone know which one would be better for me?

Answers and Views:

Answer by Jasmine
I'd say a Doberman. Rottweilers are nasty they also have lock jaws so if you ever did get an unwelcome visitor they'd have a nasty bite that would last a long while. (Might not be a bad thing for you) But yeah I think Dobermans are easier to house train.

young blonde woman with dobermanyoung blonde woman with doberman

Answer by Lorraine
If you want a dog to naturally defend you then don't go for one of the true guarding breeds like a rottie. Trouble will follow if you allow this breed to think it is their job to protect you. The minute you allow an untrained rottie to stand in front of you then they have taken the leadership and will make the choices when necessary. A trained dog is a different matter but that takes thousands of dollars or pounds whatever.

Answer by COD Fan. & Responsible Dog Guardian.
Jasmine, the Rottie, just like any animal, does not possess locking jaws. The jaw would have to dislocate, much like a snake when swallowing large prey. American Pit Bull Terriers, can't either. They are just stubborn, with a strong grip. That said, Rotties act as they do due to them stemming from Mastiffs, from the ancient Romans.

They were war dogs, and then cattle dogs, driving (aka Droving) cattle to market from the farm. They were also guard dogs, as so many cattle/livestock dogs are now, due to some of the neighborhoods they had to go thru. They also wore their owner's money bag around their neck, because of that.

Mastiffs are very different than other dog breeds because they are former war dogs, they have the same mentality today, trespass/mess with what I am guarding, I will go after you. No fear. You can look at many other Mastiffs and get an idea about the dog's temperament in general.

Rotts make EXCELLENT guards, but not suited for apartment life. Not enough room. Plus, because they are cattle/livestock dogs, they are extremely smart, so they need to be constantly challenged and physically active. Not possible in apartments for rent in vancouver wa. They need room to run. Also, they will become destructive if not given another job to do, if they are constantly bored, they will destroy your stuff. Plus, they are dominant dogs, if they don't see you as someone they need to listen to, they will take that role. Especially Males.

However, with all that said, Rotties, like all dogs, are the end result of what you make them. I have seen friendly Rotts, just like I have met friendly GSDs. My Sheltie Beagle mix will protect if he thinks it's necessary, however 9x out of 10, he'd rather lick you to death. It's all in how you raise/train/treat your dog.

Answer by :)
German Shepherd definitely. there protective big smart cute and good with people easy to train and very loving

Answer by Ian
you shouldn't get those they are too big for apartments. get like a Chow Chow don't need as much exercise and are a little smaller but MEAN to people they don't know!!!!!!

Answer by T-Fuzz
I have 3 dogs 1 is a husky malamute and she is afraid of everything because when she was young she never got socialized. But when my dad acts like hes gonna hurt me my dog is right there beside me and barks her really deep voice bark and bites him. I think she does this because I'm the youngest and she thinks I'm "defenseless".
Get a really Big Poodle! poodles are considered the smartest dog in the world! get him/her when they're a puppy and work on training

Answer by Tommy
get 2 dogs. Get a Labrador because they will attack when they need to, but their bark is so scary and loud that it would scare away any intruder, and a German Shephard, Rottweiler, Doberman, whichever one of those, because they WILL attack if there is a threat

Answer by Kayla
I would recommend a Great Dane. Yes there larger but they are great apartment dogs. First off there huge! anyone would be afraid of that thing. And they are loyal and great companions. (=

Answer by Billy
Get a Chihuahua. those little demons will scare anyone away

Answer by PARKERD
Before you choose a dog for an apartment, choose an apartment that will accept the dog you are looking for.

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