Question by Fred: What is Caucasian Shepherd (Ovcharka) price on average?
How much would a good Caucasian mountain dog cost?
Would the vet bills be expensive?
Are they nice dogs to have?
Answers and Views:
Answer by A
Depends on where you get them from. $500-$4000
Caucasian Shepherd Dog Price
Answer by Mark:
If you are looking for a good Caucasian Shepherd, you might have to pay big bucks. Their average price in the USA is about $1,500 - $3,000.
Established US breeders like Esquire Caucasians or Sila V Krovi normally sell their puppies for $ 2,500 – $ 3,000.
New American breeders ask for an amount between $ 1,500 and $ 2,500.
Those who breed working COs on family farms or import them from Europe, sell a bit cheaper.
Here’s a small table for Caucasian Shepherd prices in the US.
Reputable US breeders: $ 2,500 - $ 3,000
New US breeders: $ 1,500 - $ 2,500
Farm/backyard US breeders: $ 1,200 - $ 1,500
Importers from Europe: $ 1500 - $ 2,000
Rehomers: $ 500 - $ 1,000
Today, there are quite a lot of people who have bought a Caucasian Shepherd without knowing and understanding this breed and then try to rehome it for some - even small - money.
Males are usually more expensive than females.
The male Caucasian Ovcharka puppy can cost an average of $2,000 to $2,500.
The cost for a female CO pup ranges from $1,500 to $2,000.
These prices exclude shipping and handling costs as well as any additional registration fees or health screenings which may be required before purchase.
The price of these “Russian Bear Dogs” can vary greatly depending on where you live in the United States, on the quality of the dog, and how much training it has received.
Their high cost is well worth it considering that Caucasian Shepherds are valued for their stability, reliability, and strength. They are known to be one of the best breeds for guarding livestock because they have a natural inclination to protect them from all dangers - human or animal alike.
The Caucasian Ovcharka dogs has exceptional qualities such as its stamina, intelligence, loyalty and its ability to work for long periods of time without tiring. They were used by Russian police to guard and pursue criminals who escape from prisons or detention centers.
Eastern Europe Prices
Answer by Phil:
Eastern Europe's good stock is anywhere between 600 US dollars (if you are really lucky) not including the transport fee to 3,000 US dollars.
UK around 1,200 – 6,000 sterling.
US 1,200 – 14,000 for show winner pups. although the average is 1,200-3,000 US dollars.
But be careful when buying one as they are a LOT of cross-breeding & negative trait breeding in the US and Canada. Mixes are even more dangerous than pure breeds as they lose the "love the family at all costs" traits of their personality.
Also, a warning, only a strong personality, physically strong, dedicated trainer/experienced owner should ever even consider owning this breed. After 14 years of owning Caucasian Ovcharkas, they require expertise I had to learn fast different form training any dog.
I would actually like to see the "dog whisperer" Caesar fix a 4-year-old violent, untrained Ovcharka :) As once they are grown and have not been trained they are almost impossible to rehabilitate.
They are expert & quick killers and cannot be stopped if in a real situation unless trained. It is a shame when the lovely neighbor lady see you outside your fence walking home and then hugs you (doesn't know the dog well) and your Ovcharka jumps his fence, usually he stays but sees you in danger (although not) and dispatches this lovely neighbor to be ready for the morgue in a few seconds.

Answer by Theodora
The Caucasian Ovcharka prices in the US are usually between $ 1200 and $ 3000, depending on the pedigree, and on the breeder. Puppies without papers cost 500-800. I know that in Moscow, Russia, Caucasian Ovcharka puppies with a really good pedigree cost between $ 450 and $ 850.
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- Caucasian Shepherd Puppies for Sale or Adoption
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Caucasian Ovcharka Personality
Answer by Stephenson
I rescued a Caucasian Mountain dog – the vet estimated she was about 4 when I found her. I have had her for 5 years. Yes–she was impossible to train for a long time–several years! I may have overcorrected because now she is somewhat timid around me; on a walk, she will look to me for the ‘ok’ and that gets a bit tiresome as I have to keep saying–‘come on’ or else she starts to walk behind me instead of in front. One time she pushed her way through the front door and sent me flying onto my deck head first and I injured my knee, so with things like that I had to correct her impulsive behavior for my own safety.
She is not as large as they say in the breed info. I think that’s because she was in very poor condition when I found her, and her growth was stunted due to that. However, I am thankful she is not as big as the breed standard–I have enough to deal with! Her coat takes a LOT of work or it gets matted very easily. Everyone loves her, though, and thinks she is adorable. I got her spayed. She has a breed fault in that one of her eyes (on the rim) has a bit of pink where it should be pigmented all black.
She does need a good amount of exercise. She loves to run and especially roll on the ground. She attacked a stray kitten once, which was very upsetting, so I keep an eye on her for smaller animals now. She is good with cats and dogs (at least so far).
I have worked hard to train her. I could not figure out why she was so hard to train until I read up more about the breed. I think because I got her as an adult it made it all harder. They are beautiful dogs but a lot of work.
Answer by Voir Dire Piaffe
I’m happy to see such frank and honest commentary on the Russian Bear Dog (Caucasian Ovcharka) breed and hopefully, it will frighten the “trendy dog” shopper away. I’m also pleased by the high price value applied in that will also discourage the casual thrill-seeker from purchasing. Too often these obscure breeds become a novelty for selfish, unqualified handlers looking only to make an impression and gain attention. Too many breeds have been ruined and given horrible stigmas simply because of improper handling on a large scale.
I have 30 years of experience with a few breeds requiring dedicated, attentive, and firm guidance to see them reach their full potentials and I wouldn’t be comfortable bringing this breed into my home. I will leave that to the even more qualified, as any responsible handler would. Be smart, people. Not every breed is suited to every home.
Answer by Gene
Because Caucasian shepherds are a very rare breed and very few breeders out there, they're expensive, at least $ 2000.
Because they're a large breed, vet bills will be more expensive than most. That being said, they're inherently in better shape than most other large dogs like Mastiffs and Saint Bernards. But look for CHD to be an issue when it gets older.
- Should I get a Caucasian Shepherd?
- Where to find a Caucasian Mountain Dog puppy for sale?
- Caucasian Ovcharka breeders in Australia?
If you're looking for an extremely aggressive guard dog, then they're fantastic (click for video). I've trained most popular breeds out there, and from what I've heard, these dogs are a different animal. They're one of the oldest and most primitive dogs in existence today. They originated in Europe and were used by the Russian military as guard dogs that were trained to knock down and maim enemies.
You'll need a very firm hand with these dogs. There are a lot of very bad rumors about them out there, and I've heard from other trainers that they're a nightmare. I personally tend to wait until I meet one myself. With proper socialization and training, any breed is manageable.
Answer by Professor Coldheart!
How 'nice' they are has a lot to do with the temperament of the parents and how they're raised. All dogs need to be well socialized. How healthy the parents are, and how careful the breeder is, will also have a lot to do with how healthy the dog is. In general, though, Caucasian Ovcharka are pretty healthy but can have problems with hips and obesity. Also, they tend to be very assertive and, in some cases, aggressive. They're not for new or casual dog owners.
That being said, puppies' price can go for more than two grand. They aren't cheap and they aren't very common.
Know better? Give your own answer to this question!
Brian Burdick says
Hi again folks,
In answer to the question of a Causian Ovcharica good in an apartment, sure. Just like a spotted hyena would be. A wonderful dog like that needs room to run.
The average apartment would be like a solitary confinement cell to him. Not to mention the racket he would make every time a neighbor walked by.
Not being an expert on them and only using some applied common sense, I wouldn’t have one if I lived in an apartment.
Thank you.
sarang says
Caucasian overcharka is good for apartment
pablo says
i live in Nigeria, and i have a 4 month old Caucasian shepherd i named her Paris , she is such a wonderful pup but very playful and stubborn and will refuse to listen to basic command like ‘go into your cage until i am wielding a stick or Cain then she runs off, still stopping at intervals looking back at me ,for me to repeat command or get closer to her till she finally goes,she is such an intelligent breed,but pisses me off with her stubborn attitudes, she always jump at people and plays always with her teeth , not biting but just slightly trying to chew,i dont know much about her temperament yet,but i take away her bowl of meal while eating and sometimes commands her to sit while eating and she listens ,she plays rough a lot,
Dre says
Doing some research on family guard dogs I came across this breed along with the boerboel and cane corso. I am now obsessed with them especially the Caucasian, but I have never owned a dog other than dog sitting pit bulls and Rottweilers for friends. What dog would you recommend as first time owner to prepare myself for a C.O. or boerboel?
RussianDog says
Thank you for your question. If you want a large dog that resembles the Caucasian Ovcharka, we would risk to suggest a Leonberger. It is an impressive dog that looks like CO but is much easier to handle.
Dre says
Thank you
Keith Deuchler says
Depends on your personality. Are you the alpha-male type. And do you show fear in your heart around animals .
Especially large breed dogs. I don’t think the Caucasian would be a good recommendation unless you strongly need protection. And have someone to train the dog.
Keith Deuchler says
Dire… first dog trying a black or brown Labrador. Not as large as what you’re looking at but with a strong nose and protection. They will let you know when somebody’s there. The best thing about them is they are easily trained and smart dogs. Use a strong voice, hand signals and quicks of your fingers. I will hope that you would get one as a pup to train in his early life
Dre says
That’s actually the dog my wife wants. Thank you
toni says
Hi. My husband is dead set on getting one of these dogs. How ever we have two small children (ages 1yr and 4yrs old. ) both boys. I am the main person home at all times with the kiddos and my husband has a gruff personality as it. How is this breed with small children and other dogs?
RussianDog says
Toni, you should read more about Caucasian Shepherds on our website, and you should think twice before making a decision. It is a very dominant dog that can be handled only by an experienced owner. At 8-10 months it will try hard to become the leader of the pack, and you will have to convince this dog that you are the leader. It is a dog of one owner. If it picks you as its master it will not obey your husband, especially if it rarely sees him. This dog may be good with children and protect them just because they are the weakest members of the pack but it will never obey them, and it may try to teach them like it teaches its own puppies – with a short kick of the teeth.
Olufemi says
Hello,I live in Nigeria can I possibly train a kind of it here?
RussianDog says
Thank you for your interest. The Caucasian Shepherd is a double coated dog that withstands severe cold. The tropical hot climate is not good for it.
Jaylea says
I really like those dogs. Do I have to go outside of the United States to get one of those dogs?
RussianDog says
There’s no need to go. The breed is recognized by the AKC, and there are a few breeders in the US and Canada. You can follow our Caucasian Shepherd for Sale or Adoption page. There are good proposals from time to time.
paul says
What about in Nigeria, can Caucasian survive and bread puppies?
RussianDog says
A dog should not “survive”, it should feel comfortable. There are other great dog breeds that suit the tropical climate.
Karen says
No these dogs have double coats & are not best suited to hot climates I have 2 & we live in Scotland
Teresa Jones says
How would these dogs handle the Australian heat please
RussianDog says
Hi Teresa! Caucasian Ovcharka is a double coated dog that prefers cold to heat. Like any dog it can accept the normal summer weather but high temperatures and high humidity are not for the CO.
There are some problems with getting Caucasian Ovcharka in Australia as well. You can view the discussion (if you haven’t yet).
Ludmila says
Nice dogs if they are well breeded. I can help to buy them in Russia.
Dleesmitee says
Does anyone know where the best breeders are for Caucasian Shepherds?
Charles says
I’m very interested in the breed.
Gregg L. Friedman MD says
Thanks for the information about Caucasian Mountain Shepherds Dogs. By Dr. Gregg L. Friedman MD
RussianDog says
Thank you for your participation.
Mrs Kathryn Coluzzi c/o Botkin says
I agree this site has a wealth of information about the dogs. I much as I love these dogs I have to admit I might not be strong enough to really control the dog, for its own protection, from people who might tease it. Also I do not know if the climate in Texas would be comfortable for the dog. I have a lot of time to devote to caring for and playing with a dog but think in fairness to the animal I should find another breed. We had boxers most of my life, for many years reluctant to adopt another, too many memories of my dog.
Anom says
You might try a cane corse or Italian mastiff. Wonderful dogs but fiercely loyal and highly intelligent. They look like a bigger version of an American bull terrier and stronger. However easily reasonable and with a good owner extreme love bugs. Need lots of room.
Joe Nakovics S.I.N.Y. says
Hi i,m joe….my girlfriend and I acquired a LEONBERGER female from “Hearts of Gold” breeders of Leonbergers in PA…About a year ago she,s one year two months old..very sweet ,funny ,large ..not compaired to the CMD…they are gigantic and gorgeous!!…you talked about training a lot and i like that and agree that it is a very important thing to do….train yourself to train your pet or pets….she,s great with most commands but being such a character,,,she,s still young and everything is Amazing to her…during the fourth of july the fireworks had every dog on the block hiding under the bed….she sat next to me watching in amazement! Even the stars when we go upstae or we went to msin a few weeks ago…and me and her both….looked up for ,,must have been an hour strait…she was as amazed as me ,,,coming from Staten Island new york…stars seen are minimal from the city lights…anyway…been thinking of getting her a strong as or stronger playmate….i just saw the CMD for the first time yesterday in a FB post…and i love them…do they get along with other dogs in the same domain or are they totally territorial ??
RussianDog says
Leons are really very sweet. They look much alike with Caucasian Shepherd (Caucasian Ovcharka) but these two breeds are totally different. While Leonbergers are soft and controllable, the normal Caucasian Ovcharka’s malignity level is 8 out of 10 (10 out of 10 in a fight). You won’t see this before your CO turns 8-10 months old but then comes the sad time when many first-time owners are trying to get rid of their poor dogs. And that’s not the Caucasian Ovcharka’s fault: they were created to fight wolves and protect the territory from any intruder.
We wouldn’t advise you to get yourself a Caucasian Ovcharka if you don’t have experience with large guard dogs. Sometimes it’s advisable to take a female CO but it’s not your case because you have a female dog already. The female CO won’t be affectionate to another female, and a male Caucasian Ovcharka is a much bigger challenge. A male CO may choose your girlfriend as his owner and then he will not let you even touch her. And this is not a joke.
seth miracle says
Have develop an interest in your Caucasian dog and plan to have one.where do l get them fro
RussianDog says
We regularly publish information about the sellers.
Fran says
“rich” commented that this breed dog was a “Monster” a “creation” why would you introduce it to kids apparently he has no clue!
We adopted a girl 1yr 3m, She was from Crimea. We did lots research before she moved in.
Yes, she is very protective. We take her out front to introduce her to new people, as someone else mentioned.
When it comes to children…….. IF I could rent kids, she would be the happiest little girl in the world!!!! She absolutely adores kids.. she “wuffles” in their ears, makes them giggle. the more they giggle, the happier she is!! Only problem, is sometimes if she turns too quickly she might knock one over.
Right now, she is laying on her couch in front of her fan.
Rich – You should not say bad/mean things about something you obviously do not know about
Leslie says
This big dog should never be kept in cage or on a chain. Shame on you for treating this dog in such an disrespectful manner.
R.W. Fuller says
I don’t know what this fellows qualification’s are but seeing his smartass comment about Cesar , makes me feel like this guy is a bit too conceded to take seriously . After over 40 years of dog training and handling , I disagree with this guy about his generalizations and preconceived ideas about the breed .
That fact that this is a large powerful dog is undisputable . That said , the rest is projection and rumor .
Helen S Ertman says
Leave them in the mountains where they are happiest. Why submit them to our environments today? I am well socialized, well educated, reasonably tolerant of human behavior, and I can’t stand the environment any longer. As I said, Leave them alone.
Tony says
I live in the mountains of okonagon washingron.. Is that suitable with decent acreage for them?
david hobbs says
who can I buy a puppy of thank you david
stephenson says
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susan says
These are fantastic Mighty dogs…but they can and will protect. Anything they see as a potential threat is dead. There are many guardian breeds but this one is like no other. Other guardian breeds are happy for a potential threat to get away from their territory. The Ovcharka’s outlook is different. If I kill it, it will no longer be a threat. That being said, they are amazing for the people that they love–provided you are their Leader. It isn’t that someone will get hurt…they will get killed. I am not trying to scare anyone but I want you to be very aware that this one is not a golden retriever, or a Rottweiler, or a mastiff. This is a bear in canine form.
Carlisimo says
Once a caucasian is of mature age, there is no changing his loyalties from the person that raised him to the next person. The second owner will be just another human, and if he is not treated correctly the ovtcharka will show him dog aggression like no other dog possible.
jude says
hi I have a mountain dog male I bought him of internet im looking for a home for him as hes a big dog dosent like my 19 year old son atall never bit anybody but I feel I need find him home or to a rescue center where thay know about bread
RussianDog says
This is another WARNING: people, don’t buy the Caucasian Ovcharka if you don’t know how to deal with this wonderful breed! Poor boy!
Wytaria "Mack" McCrary says
I am a Military Vet look for the best protection for my family in Georgia we have plenty of room for him to run
Brian Horan says
Do u still have the dog and were are u located
Voir Dire Piaffe says
That is, of course, sound advice, Gary. Unfortunately, too many people do not understand the grave consequences in ignoring the guidelines and absolute dedication to socializing and establishing Alpha status. I’ve seen it over and over and it is a disservice to many fine dogs and breeds generally. Shelters and Rescues are overflowing with every breed of dog because of ignorant people who consider a dog merely as an accessory to be tossed aside when unrealistic expectations are not met.
gary marshall says
I agree with what you say. I have owned Italian and French mastiffs but would love to learn more about the Caucasian mountain dog. I have six acres of land so I do have plenty of room for big dogs.
Gary says
This dogs do not “misinterprets a situation”. You don”t have to train them, they know what to do. Just need to extensively socialize from young age. And make sure that they know there order in your family pack.
Voir Dire Piaffe says
The comment has been moved into the body of the post.
AKC says
They’re A LOT of maintanance. Everything is more expensive. They can cost up to 4k. They are very aggressive/territorial in nature. You see 8 week old puppies attacking or being dominant towards humans. They are not “nice” dogs to have. You need a farm with a 10ft fence to contain one. Or you have to be the hulk, no joke.
Wil says
This particular video was nothing but a slanted perspective showing only the most out of control, aggressive dogs of the breed. I will agree that no one but the most serious dog owner should consider bringing one of these champions home to join their families, but this video was absurd. Could this happen? Of course, but I have a Newfoundland that could act very much like this if raised badly, and with much the same effect, despite the Newfoundland breed being known for their friendly nature. All that being said, AKC is correct. They will be expensive. Expensive to buy, possibly transport, insure (if you're smart), feed, and also in terms of time for training and socialization. Caucasians are known for their good judgement in what constitutes a threat, but if they're not socialized, how are they to separate the UPS man from an intruder?
Denise says
I agree with most of your comment, except the part where you say they are not nice dogs to have. I own two Caucasians and they are very nice, they are wonderful with my grandchildren and they are very obedient. Maybe it is because I knew what I was getting into when I bought them so I was well equipped with training and socializing skills before I bought them. My male is very well trained in obedience and tricks, I have never owned any breed that has been as easy to train as he was. Ozzie has all the obedience training and he also shuts doors and drawers for me, he will high five and he plays stick em up when you show him a finger gun, he rolls over and plays dead and is generally a pleasure to have as a companion. I bought him for protection but he has turned out to be so much more. Maybe Ozzie is an exception or maybe Caucasians have been given a bad reputation by people who have no business owning one of these awesome creatures! This is the first time I have ever commented on this subject but I felt the need to because all Caucasians are not out of control beasts, my female is so sweet that everyone that meets her cant believe she is a Caucasian Mountain dog. I just wanted to give an opinion from someone who actually owns two Caucasians and wouldn’t trade them for any amount of money.
Have a nice day!
suman says
What will a small caucasian male puppy cost in india,and other than socializing,are they intelligent as the german shepards.
angelharp7 says
Listen to the other responder. From what I understand, these dogs require a VERY firm hand. I think there are even breeders who will not sell them to just anyone off the street. Some dogs have a purpose, but that purpose may not include being a regular family pet.
Wil says
I do not own a Caucasian, but have ordered books on them and contacted several breeders both in the US and in other countries. The most common description is that Caucasians are very soft with their families, but are suspicious and possibly hostile towards strangers. Without training or the stupid antagonisms you see people inflicting upon them in online videos, they will protect their family with extreme prejudice. It comes naturally to them. Although superior guard dogs, they must be under constant control, as they do not give warnings as a rule, but attack to kill. And while soft with their family, they aren't necessarily easy to train, because of their independent nature. Highly intelligent, but bred for hundreds of years to take action without human direction, they aren't always obedience super-stars. The property you house one on must have high, strong walls.
I met a Caucasian once, and she was actually very friendly. The owner met me out front to reduce any territorialism I might face inside the house, and the meeting went very well. But the owner also told me he has socialized her extensively from a very young age. A Caucasian won't be a breed you could take to a dog park, generally speaking, but the same could be said with many other dogs. To anyone thinking of buying a Caucasian, my advice would be to arrange to actually meet a few adults, and see what that tells you.