It might be a good idea to give your new puppy a Russian dog name. If your puppy is of the Russian dog breed it is quite natural to give it the name of the Russian origin. Even if it's not, it can still be cool because Russian names for dogs sound unusual and attract attention.
Choosing the right Russian puppy name is very important. Most of them have their meanings and may sound inappropriate for your pet if translated from Russian. The name you choose will always tell people how you view your dog and how you treat him.
The name of your new puppy should match its appearance and personality. It would be strange to give the same name to the savage Caucasian Dog and to the Russian Toy.
Of course, you can call your Russian puppy just "Sobaka" which means dog in Russian. But it's much better to use our website for a creative and successful selection of the proper Russian dog name.
Photo Credit: Fil.Al/Flickr CC
Male Russian Dog Names List (capitals for stress)
(Go to Female Russian Dog Names List instead)
Russian Mail Dog Names from A to L
Afonya (a-FO-nya) – hypocorism for Afanasiy
Alyi (A-lyj) - scarlet
Alyosha (a-LYO-sha) – Russian name
Amur (a-MOOR) – Siberian river
Ataman (ata-MAN) – ataman, the Cossack chief
Azhur (a-ZHOOR) – lace
Baikal (baj-KAL) – lake in Siberia
Balhash (bal-HASH) - lake in Siberia
Barhat (BAR-hat) – velvet
Baron (ba-RON) - baron
Bars (BARS) – snow leopard
Bimka (BEEM-ka) – pet’s name
Bolik (BO-lik) – pet name
Bolshoi (bol-SHOI) – big, name of the famous theater
Bonya (BO-nja) - hypocorism for Bogdan
Boris (bo-RIS) - Russian name
Boyarin (boja-RIN) – aristocrat in medieval Russia
Buka (BOO-ka) - surly
Buyan (bu-JAN) – brawler
Chekhov (CHE-khov) – Russian writer
Chernouh (tcherno-OOH) – black eared
Chernysh (cher-NYSH) – blackie
Chingiz (chin-GIZ) – oriental name
Chum (CHOOM) – tent of skins
Danya (DA-nja) – hypocorism for Daniel
Dezik (DE-zik) – pet name
Don (DON) – Russian river
Drug (DROOG) - friend
Druzhok (dru-ZHOK) – buddy
Elisei (eli-SEJ) – Russian name
Elizar (eli-ZAR) – Russian name
Enisei (Eni-SEJ) – Siberian river
Filya (FI-lja) – clumsy, or hypocorism for Philemon
Frant (FRANT) - dandy
Funtik (FOON-tik) – hypocorism for pound
Fyodor (FJO-dor) – Russian name
Gagarin (ga-GA-rin) – the family name of the first man in space.
Gordyi (GOR-dyj) - proud
Gosha (GO-sha) - hypocorism for Georgiy
Graf (GRAF) – count
Grom (GROM) - thunder
Groznyi (GROZ-nyj) - terrible
Han – (HAN) - khan
Ilya (i-LYA) – Russian name
Ilyusha (i-LJOO-sha) – hypocorism for Ilya
Indus (in-DOOS) – Hindu man
Irtysh (ir-TYSH) – lake in Siberia
Ivan (ee-VAN) – Russian name
Izyum (ee-ZYUM) – raisins
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Male Russian Dog Names from K to P
Kagor (ka-GOR) – sort of vine
Kalif (ka-LIF) - caliph
Kapitan (ka-pi-TAN) - captain
Kashmir (kash-MIR) - Kashmir
Kazak (ka-ZAK) - Cossack
Kazbek (kaz-BEK) – Caucasian mountain
Klim (KLIM) – Russian name
Korzhik (KOR-zhik) - cracker
Koshmarik (kosh-MA-rik) – little nightmare
Kosmos (KOS-mos) – outer space
Kubik (KOO-bik) – little cube
Kesha (KE-sha) - hypocorism for Innokentiy
Lev (LEV) - lion
Lihodei (leeho-DEJ) - evildoer
Lizun (lee-ZUN) – smooch
Lyutyi (LYOO-tyj) - fierce

Maksim (ma-KSIM) – Russian name
Malysh (ma-LYSH) – little one
Mamsik (MAM-sik) - infant
Milash (mee-LASH) - nicie
Miron (mee-RON) – Russian name
Monya (MO-nja) – pet name
Mordash (mor-DUSH) – big faced
Muhtar (MOOH-tar) – oriental name
Neman (NE-man) – Russian river
Nestor (NES-tor) – Russian name
Ohotnik (o-HOT-nik) – hunter
Ovchar (ov-CHAR) - shepherd
Patron (pa-TRON) - cartridge (for a gun)
Pirs (PIRS) - pier
Plyushik (PLYOO-shik) - plushy
Pocelui (potse-LOOJ) – a kiss
Polkan (pol-KAN) – Russian centaur
Ponchik (PON-chik) - donut
Priboi (pri-BOJ) - breakers
Prohor (PRO-hor) – Russian name
Puf (POOF) – pouf (a seat)
Pushkin (POOSH-kin) – Russian poet
Pushok (poo-SHOK) – fluff,
Pusik (POO-sik) – pet name
Puzan – (poo-ZAN) – paunchy
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Russian Boy Dog Names from R to Z
Rad (RAD) – Russian name
Radzha (ra-DZHA) - rajah
Rasputin (ras-POO-tin) – lover of the Russian queen
Rasstegai (ras-ste-GAJ) – Russian pastry
Ratimir (rati-MIR) – Russian name
Rebus (RE-bus) - puzzle
Romka (ROM-ka) - hypocorism for Roman
Ryzhik (RY-zhik) – ginger

Photo Credit: Ferlinka Borzoi (Deb West)/Flickr CC
Sasha (SA-sha) - hypocorism for Aleksandr
Seva (SJE-va) - hypocorism for Vsevolod
Shah (SHAH) - shah
Shaman (sha-MAN) - shaman
Sharik (SHA-rik) – little ball
Shmel (SHMEL’) - bumblebee
Slava (SLA-va) - hypocorism for Vyacheslav
Snezhok (sne-ZHOK) - snowball
Sultan (sool-TAN) – sultan
Tigrash (tee-GRASH) - tigery
Timur (tee-MUR) – oriental name
Tolstoy (tol-STOJ) – Russian writer
Tolstyak (tol-STJAK) - fatty
Tosha (TO-sha) - hypocorism for Anton
Toshka (TOSH-ka) - hypocorism for Anton
Totoshka (to-TOSH-ka) – pet name
Trubach (troo-batch) – trumpet player
Tsar (TSAR’) – Russian king
Tsygan (tsy-GAN) - Gypsy
Tuman (too-MAN) - fog
Tuzik (TOO-zik) – pet name
Ugolyok (oogo-LYOK) – small piece of coal
Ugryum (oo-GRYOOM) - gloomy
Ural (oo-RAL) Russian mountains
Varyag (va-RYAG) – Scandinavian man
Vaska (VAS’-ka) - hypocorism for Vasiliy
Vasya (VA-sja) - hypocorism for Vasiliy
Velikan (velee-KAN) - giant
Venets (ve-NETS) - crown
Vernyi (VJER-nyj) - faithful
Veterok (vete-ROK) - slight wind
Vityaz (vee-TYAZ’) - knight
Vladmir (vla-DEE-mir) – Russian name
Valdai (val-DAJ) – lake in Russia
Volnyi (vol-NYJ) - free
Vozhak (vo-ZHAK) – leader
Vulkan (vul-KAN) - volcano
Vyun (VJOON) - fidget
Yanychar (ya-ny-CHAR) – a Turkish soldier
Yaromir (ja-ro-MIR) – Russian name
Yaryi (JA-ryj) - violent
Zahar (za-KHAR) – Russian name
Zhigan (zhee-GAN) - swindler
Zigzag (zig-ZAG) - zigzag
Zver (ZVER’) - beast
Zvezdochet (zvezdo-TCHJOT) – stargazer
***Please feel free to submit other Russian male dog names to this list.
Female Russian Dog Names List (capitals for stress)
(Go to Male Russian Male Dog Names List instead)
Russian Female Dog Names from A to L
Agafya (a-GA-fja) – Russian name
Agasha (a-GA-sha) - hypocorism for Agafya
Aiva (aj-VA) – quince
Albina (al-BEE-na) - female name
Anastasiya (ana-sta-SEEJA) – Russian name
Angara (an-ga-RA) – Siberian river
Anna (AN-na) – Russian name
Annushka (an-NOOSH-ka) - hypocorism for Anna
Anya (A-nja) - hypocorism for Anna
Asya (A-sja) – Russian name
Bagira (ba-GEE-ra) – panther
Bagryanka (ba-GRJAN-ka) - crimson
Baltika (BAL-teeka) – Baltic sea
Barabul'ka (ba-ra-BOOL’-ka) – small fish
Barynya (BA-ry-nja) - mistress
Baryshnya (BA-rysh-nja) – young lady
Belka (BEL-ka) - whitie, the famous space dog; also squirrel
Bella (BEL-la) – Russian name
Biryuza (bee-rju-ZA)) - turquoise
Boyarynya (bo-JA-ry-nja) – boyar’s wife
Chaika (CHAJ-ka) - seagull
Changa (CHAN-ga) – pet name
Charodeika (cha-ro-DEJ-ka) - charmer
Chernushka (cher-NOOSH-ka) - blackie
Chita (chee-TA) – city in Siberia
Chuchundra (choo-CHOON-dra) – pet name
Dama (DA-ma) - lady, dame
Damka (DAM-ka) - "king" in checkers
Darya (DA-rja) – Russian name
Dasha (DA-sha) - hypocorism for Darya
Desna (djes-NA) – Russian river
Duma (DOO-ma) – Russian parliament
Dunya (DOO-nja) - hypocorism for Avdotya
Dusha (doo-SHA) - soul
Dusya (DOO-sja) - hypocorism for Anastasiya
Ekaterina (eka-te-REENA) – Russian name
Faina (fa-EE-na) - Russian name
Frosya (FRO-sja) - hypocorism for Afrosinya
Galina (ga-LI-na) – Russian name
Glafira (gla-FEE-ra) – Russian name
Grafinya (gra-FEE-nja) – countess
Grusha (GROO-sha) - pear, also hypocorism for Glaphira
Hurma (hoor-MA) – sort of fruit
Irina (ee-REE-na) – Russian name.
Iriska (ee-REES-ka) – toffee
Female Russian Dog Names from K to P
Kalinka (ka-LEEN-ka) – arrow wood
Kaluga (ka-LOO-ga) – city in Russia
Kama (KA-ma) – Russian river
Kasha (KA-sha) - kasha (porridge, soft food)
Katya (KA-tja) - hypocorism for Ekaterina
Kiska (KEES-ka) - pussy
Kyra (KI-ra) - Russian name
Knyazhna (KNJAZH-na) - princess
Knopka (KNOP-ka) - button
Kolyma (ko-LY-ma) – Russian river
Krasa (kra-SA) - beauty
Krasavka (kra-SAV-ka) - little beauty
Kroha (KRO-ha) – little one
Ksyusha (KSJU-sha) - hypocorism for Kseniya
Kukla (KOOK-la) – doll
Lada (LA-da) - beloved, Slavic name
Laika (LAJ-ka) - barker, the name of the first dog in space
Lapa (LA-pa) - darling
Lapochka (LA-poch-ka) - hypocorism for Lapa
Laska (LAS-ka) - caress
Lastochka (LAS-toch-ka) - swallow
Lavra (LAV-ra) – Russian name
Lena (LJE-na) - hypocorism for Elena
Lesya (LE-sja) - hypocorism for Olesya
Lisa (lee-SA) - fox
Lisichka (lee-SICH-ka) - small fox
Lizka (LIZ-ka) - hypocorism for Elizaveta
Ludmila (LJUD-mee-la) – Russian name
Lusha (LOO-sha) - hypocorism for Lukerya
Maksyuta (mak-SJOO-ta) - hypocorism for Maxim
Malyshka (ma-LYSH-ka) - little one
Masya (MA-sja) - little one
Masyanya (ma-SJA-nja) - little one
Mavra (MAV-ra) – Russian name
Mechta (mje-CHTA) - dream
Metel (mje-TJEL’) - snowstorm
Mila (MEE-la) - hypocorism for Lyudmila
Molniya (MOL-nee-ja) - lightning
Monetka (mo-NJET-ka) – small coin
Muha (MOO-ha) - fly
Mushka (MOOSH-ka) – little fly
Musya (MOO-sja) – pet name

Photo Credit: vendicatorre/Flickr CC
Nevelichka (nje-ve-LICH-ka) – not big
Nina (NEE-na)– Russian name
Niva (NEE-va) – grain field
Nochka (NOCH-ka) – night
Oka (o-KA) – Russian river
Oksana (ok-SA-na) – Russian name
Otvazhnaya (ot-VAZH-naya) - brave
Pampushka (pam-PUSH-ka) - fatty
Pchyolka (PCHYOL-ka) - little bee
Plyushka (PLJUSH-ka) - bun
Podushka (po-DUSH-ka) - pillow
Polya (PO-lja) - hypocorism for Polina
Polyushka (PO-ljush-ka) - hypocorism for Polina
Pushinka (pu-SHIN-ka) - bit of fluff, the name of a Russian puppy presented to the Kennedys by the Soviet leader Khrushchev
Pyshka (PYSH-ka) - puff
Russian Girl Dog Names from R to Z
Rada (RA-da) – Russian name
Razluka (raz-LOO-ka) - parting
Rifma (REEF-ma) – rhyme
Samara (sa-MA-ra) – city in Russia
Shahinya (sha-HEE-nja) – shah’s wife
Shalunya (sha-LOO-nja) – playful girl
Shelma (SHEL’-ma) - foxy, rascal
Shumka (SHOOM-ka) - noisy
Shusha (SHOO-sha) – pet name
Shushara (shoo-SHA-ra) – pet name
Shvabra (SHVAB-ra) - mop
Siren (see-REN’) - lilac
Skazka (SKAZ-ka) – fairy tale
Smelaya (SME-laya) - fearless
Snezhinka (sne-ZHEEN-ka) - snowflake
Sol'ka (SOL’-ka) – little sun
Solya (SO-lja) - little sun
Sonya (SO-nja) – Russian name
Stesha (STE-sha) - hypocorism for Stepanida
Strela (stre-LA) - arrow
Strelka (STREL-ka) - little arrow, famous space dog
Svetlana (svet-LA-na) – Russian name
Tanya (TA-nja) hypocorism for Tatyana
Tigra – (TEEG-ra) - tiger
Tonya (TO-nya) - hypocorism for Antonina
Troika (TROJ-ka) – group of three
Tsaritsa (TSA-ree-tsa) – Russian queen
Tsvetok (tsve-TOK) - flower
Tsyganka (tsy-GAN-ka) - Gypsy girl
Tsypa (TSY-pa) - chick
Tula (TOO-la) – city in Russia
Tusya (TOO-sja) – pet name
Uslada (oo-SLA-da) – delight
Vaksa (VAK-sa) - blacking
Varvara (var-VA-ra) – Russian name
Varya (VA-rja) - hypocorism for Varvara
Vasilisa (va-see-LEE-sa) – Russian name
Vedma (VYED’-ma) - witch
Vega (VE-ga) – Vega (star)
Vesna (ves-NA) - spring
Vestalka (VJE-stal-ka) – vestal virgin
Veya (VE-ja) – Russian name
Vodka (VOD-ka) - Russian national drink
Volga (VOL-ga) – Russian river
Volna (vol-NA) - wave
Volya (VO-lja) - freedom
Yagodka (YA-god-ka) – small berry
Yagoza (ya-go-ZA) - fidget
Yuna (JOO-na) – young
Zajka (ZAJ-ka) – little hare
Zarya (za-RJA) - dawn
Zateika (za-TEJ-ka) – playful girl
Zhar-Ptitsa (ZHAR-PTI-tsa) – the firebird
Zhritsa (ZHREE-tsa) - priestess
Zhuzha – (ZHOO-zha) - murmur
Zimushka (ZEE-mush-ka) - winter
Zina (ZEE-na) – Russian name
Zlata (ZLA-ta) - goldie
Zlyuka (ZLJOO-ka) – bad-tempered woman
Zvyozdochka (ZVYOZ-dochka) - little star
Zor'ka (ZOR’-ka) - dawn
Zoya (ZO-ja) – Russian name
***Please feel free to submit other Russian female dog names to this list.
Russian Dog Naming Traditions
In Russia, there are some historical traditions in naming dogs. The mongrels were usually given diminutive names like "Zhuchka" (beetle) and "Druzhok" (buddy), whereas the purebred Russian dogs were given names depending on their breed and employment.
The names of the Russian Wolfhounds, the Borsois, were telling about their great abilities ("Bystryj" - swift, "Lovkij" - agile, "Zorkij" - sharp-sighted) or their character ("Smelyj" - brave, "Lyutyj" - fierce). Quite often they were named after birds ("Berkut" - golden eagle, "Sokol" - falcon) or by imperative verbs ("Dogonyaj" - run down, «Hvataj" - catch).
Caucasian dogs and Central Asian dogs were traditionally given oriental or relating to the Orient names like "Shah" (shah), "Sultan" (sultan), "Batyr" (brave man), or «Ajsha" (female name).
Russian hounds' names were related to their hunting activities. They were frequently given names that specified their bays ("Pevun" - songster, "Organ" - organ, "Buben" - tambourine).
Today those Borzois' and Russian hounds' names are mostly used by hunters, whereas other owners prefer regular Russian dog names which are less specific and easier to pronounce.
It's up to you whether to follow Russian traditions in naming your new puppy, or to choose any nice male or female name from our lists of Russian names for dogs:
Russian Dog Names FAQ
Are Russian dog names easy to pronounce?
What is a powerful name for a male Caucasian Ovcharka?
What would be a good “Siberian” name for my Husky girl?
Attention Russian Puppies Owners!
If you want to name your Russian puppy by a certain Russian word please feel free to send us this word in English and we will find the best-sounding Russian translation for it.
Natasha says
My cousins girlfriend has a long haired Chihuahua called Belka (белка) and it actually means squirrel, not white.
Another nice name we used for our male cat is Vasya.
RussianDog says
Thank you Natasha, it’s the main meaning of the word, and we have added it to the list. As for the dogs, they are usually given the name Belka because they are white and not because they resemble a squirrel. Here is a picture of Belka (on the left) and Strelka, the famous space dogs.

Vasya is great! We have added it too.
Thomas Van Hoesen says
ZigZag is also a Russian Z name.
RussianDog says
Cool name, thank you :)
Jan says
I think we are making our new Siberian H Mishka (Little Bear). Still trying to find a middle name for her.
Mike says
I have a Siberian Husky and how do you spell nochka in Russian alphabet
RussianDog says
Hi Mike, Nochka is “Ночка” in the Russian alphabet. All the best to you and to your Husky.
Juan says
Im looking for a agressive in charge kind of name for my dog (male) in russian its a german shepperd
RussianDog says
What about:
Baikal (baj-KAL) – lake in Siberia
Baron (ba-RON) – baron
Bars (BARS) – snow leopard
Chingiz (chin-GIZ) – oriental name
Don (DON) – Russian river
Graf (GRAF) – count
Grom (GROM) – thunder
Groznyi (GROZ-nyj) – terrible
Han – (HAN) – khan
Radzha (ra-DZHA) – rajah
Shah (SHAH) – shah
Shaman (sha-MAN) – shaman
Sultan (sool-TAN) – sultan
Sas Alexandra says
Hello. I am getting an Alaskan Malamute female from Russia. Can you help me with a name that fits a malamute? I am not decided if I shall name her Mishka, Sasha or Volga(she is from a region near the river). Thank you!
RussianDog says
Hello, congratulations with your new puppy! Have you already seen our page Female Russian Dog Names ?
Mishka is usually a male dog name, and it is used too often.
Sasha and Volga both sound nice.
There are other Russain rivers that have good names like Kama (KA-ma), Neva (ne-VA), Angara (anga-RA), Selenga (SE-lenga), Pechora (pe-CHO-ra).
Luiz Mercao says
HI I have a Miniature Bull Terrier Dog and was wondering what you guys this about naming him
Chev Chelios
RussianDog says
Yeah, doc. Why not… It’s not a Russian name, isn’t it?
Ryan says
My White Russian German Shepard name is Tux, how that for Russian!
RussianDog says
Sounds great :)
Victor Rusjew says
What about “Pyos?”
It’s like the most common dog name that literally means dog or hound.
RussianDog says
Yes, why not :)
SpreadingLove says
I have a Caucasian shepherd wolf mix who I named Sokol, he suits his name perfectly in my mind.
RussianDog says
Yes, a very good name.
Alexandra says
To suggest a name that I didn’t see on the list is Laika (stress on the first syllable). The Lai- (pronounced like lie) -ka. LAIka (at least that’s my spelling, I could be wrong). Not sure what the name means.
RussianDog says
Thank you for your nice comments, Alexandra.
We have the name Laika (barker) on our Space Dog Names page.
You are absolutely right about the restrictions of the Orthodox church (below). Most of the people in USA do not belong to the Orthodox church though.
They name their Russian dogs with Russian names because these names sound nice, or funny, or familiar. Names like Mishka, Nina, Chekov, Zhukov, Zoya are quite popular.
On our website, you can also read about Russian Dog Naming Traditions.
Dogger says
The yakushian laika is a similar dog to the Siberian husky from the same region.
Nicole says
What would be the russian word for ‘black dog’ or similar?
RussianDog says
The Russian word for “black” is “chorny” (masculine) or “chornaya” (feminine). Black Russian Terrier is often called “chernysh” that is something like “blackie”. Russian words “tsigan” (Gipsy) and “ugolyok” (small piece of coal) are also used to name black male dogs.
It’s difficult to find a good Russian name for a female dog that derives from “chornaya”. Sometimes they use words like “smuglyanka” (the dark girl) instead.
Alexandra says
Great list of names!! But I wanted to mention (and as I don’t have the time to read all the comments, it may have already been mentioned before), a Russian of the Orthodox Christian faith (and that’s the predominate religion in Russia) would not appreciate the name of a dog after a saint, which means the usual Russian full names (such as Anna, Ekaterina, Anastasia, etc). I’m part of the Russian Orthodox community here in the USA but have never been to Russia so I can’t say what they do there, but the Russian Orthodox faith is the exact same all over. Also, I haven’t really heard many Russian people’s dogs names here (or never asked what their dog’s name was), but the only names I can recall were Laska and Laika. I myself didn’t give my dog a Russian name, but a Miniature Schnauzer is of German origin anyway, so he’s Wolfie (kids named him! ☺) so I guess that works out to be short for Wolfgang. I’m looking to get him a playmate and considering a Husky, maybe, and would be interested in appropriately naming her a Russian name. This list has many names that are long and it is MY OPINION that a dog’s name should ideally be two syllables long. I personally can’t see me giving my dog commands with a five syllable name! But that’s just me. Actually, I think I read somewhere that a two syllable name gets a dog’s attention best. Of course, people are free to use whatever name they choose.
Alexandra says
Ok, since I couldn’t resist reading the comments ?, I have to admit that the three + syllable names ARE beautiful/cute! But still, I myself feel attracted more to a two syllable name. I also prefer the stress on the first syllable. Regardless, many of you gave your dogs lovely names, two syllable or not! ?
Alexandra says
Gosh, I can’t shut up! ? I saw the name Mooshka and that brought back memories of my sister’s cat that she named Mooshka! The poor kitty died 20 years ago (man I’m getting old ?). ….Last comment, I promise!
Bill Taylor says
Gertrude in russin
Levi says
i want a name thats Russian for my pitbull that means or translates to “Rebel” or “Fighter”
RussianDog says
I would suggest Buntar (bun-TARJ, “u” like in “moon”, masculine) or Buntarka (bun-TAR-ka, “u” like in “moon”, feminine) for “Rebel”, and Boets (bo-YETS, masculine) for “Fighter”.
Janis says
I decided to give my baby girl the name Anya, I love it, she is half Bolonka and half Maltese.
RussianDog says
Very good choice for Bolonka/Maltese. Good luck with her!
Graziella Piacentini says
what does Takiah mean?
RussianDog says
Unfortunately, it is not a Russian name, and it doesn’t have a meaning in Russian. Vicki (below) has also mentioned the Russian word “такая” that can be translated like “different” or “special”, and can be used as a name for a Borzoi girl.
Janis says
Thank You, i am still looking thou. i want a Russian name that will suit my little girl, she going to be a Blonde colour, and as she is a Russian Bolonka cross Maltese, she is going to be very small. Would like a Russian name for her size and breed.
Janis says
I would like a Russian name for my puppy, She is a Russian Bolonka crossed with a Maltese. and would like a name that means something like Little Bear, Or Pretty Girl, Or a name that will suit her breed and how small she is going to be.
Caroline Juric says
Plyuushah – a sort of diminutive version of the word meaning plush
Dochinka – (little daughter) diminutized by saying Docha, or Dochka ( depending on your mood)
Malyinkya – small ( which could be diminutized to Massyinkya, then to Massya, then to Masha, a fovorite Russian name)
Cheshah – harking to her hair. Diminutivised version of the verb to brush or comb.
RussianDog says
Very nice names for this kind of dog.
Janis says
I want to give my puppy girl a Russian name as she is half Russian. But would like a name that means something like, Pretty Girl, Or Little Bear or Baby etc. She is only going to be very small.
RussianDog says
Why not try Belka (BEL-ka) – whitie (a famous space dog name), or Knopka (KNOP-ka) – button. Little Bear is “Mishka” but it better suits a boy.
Victoria says
Mishka,or misha. Which means Micheal, or teddy bear.
RussianDog says
Misha is very nice but it’s more for a boy.
Check our collection of Russian male dog names
Mark says
i have a brt import from Ukraine I name him Vlad after Dracula. Don’t speak Russian so trained in German. Great dog breed. Had a giant schnauzer before this . I think MyVlad is awesome . He is also my service dog.
RussianDog says
Great name and wonderful dog! Good luck to you and Vlad!
iamtheonetheone says
but vlad was romanian
Deb Russell says
I named my BRT male pup Valhallas Val Lee after my aunt and uncle who trained the sled dogs for Admiral Byrd’s Antartic Expedition and also after my Dad (Lee). It still sounds like the Nordic: Heaven’s Valley :)
I love him – he is so smart, learns quickly, bonded to me in 3 days (per my vet) and he is doing great in his training classes! I waited 5 yrs to get him so that I would have the time to train him, have the money for all his classes, seatbelts, grooming and everything and the right pup.
I hope to find an agility or other teacher once Val finishes the Canine Good Citizens course and is certified for that. Eventually I want him trained as assistance for me as I have a spine injury. Right now he is a 60+ lb 8 month pup who loves new things, new people and I am proud of how well he is learning!
Just remember always that these guys are mischecioys pups even at 1 yr old!! They mature at 2 yrs!
Paws and Hugs from Deb and “Val”
RussianDog says
Thank you for this nice story. All the best to you and Val!
admin says
To Sol:
Why not? “Stalin’s dog” with Stalin’s name :)
Sol says
I named my BRT Koba. :)
dave says
Great name!
We’re picking up our BRT pup on July 20. Still trying to think of a good name, maybe even as good as Koba.
best, Dave
admin says
Congratulations! If you send us a story about your new pup and a couple of pictures, we’ll be glad to publish it.
admin says
Hi Natalia, congratulations! Winter in Russian is feminine – Zima (zi-MA). For a boy you can use a nice name Snezhok (sne-ZHOK, “e” like in “pet”, “zh” like in “Zhivago”, “o” like in “ball”) which means a snowball.
Natalia says
Hey I am getting an Australian Shepherd that is black and tan with like a dash of winter snow. He’s really pretty. I was wondering what the Russian word for winter or snow was
admin says
Thank you for your input Joe! Shaman (sha-MAN) is great.
joe says
shaman novarna
Gloria says
I asked about Misha in the wrong category. I know it’s a boy’s name.
admin says
It’s okay. I’ve moved it here.
MI-sha is nice. Like Baryshnikov.
Gloria says
How about Misha? I love that name.
Vicki says
Такая. Or…. Takiah.
admin says
Thank you. I guess it should be pronounced as ta-KA-ya
Angelina says
I have two dogs, and we speak Russian. Their names are Knopka and Malysh… And it fits them very nicely, as they are very small shihtzu.
My cousins have Kroshka (:
admin says
The names are wonderful! Thank you very much for sharing small dogs’ names KNOPKA (KNOP-ka), MALYSH (ma-LYSH), and KROSHKA (KROSH-ka)!
Ria says
What would a good translation for Dragon? (Not the fat three headed one- something swift and wise.) My borzoi”s registered name is Dmitri and that unfortunately may get shortened to dimwit!
admin says
I would suggest Drakosha (dra-KO-sha) – a baby Dragon from old Russian cartoons.
Zach says
i like the name Yuri and Dima from my favorite game series battlefield. and also artyom from the russian book/game series Metro 2033 and 2034
admin says
Thank you for sharing YURI, DIMA, and ARTYOM.
Stephanie Presdee says
Almaz -diamond because of his diamond marking, and Pavlin as he had a mark on his head, like a peacock does on his tail , and Zanoss.
admin says
Thank you for sharing ALMAZ, PAVLIN, and ZANOSS.
Zilch says
My understanding was that Russians do not give their dogs people names — that this is considered disrespectful (to the people, I guess?). Are the hypocorisms a deliberate way around this?
admin says
It’s not a rule, many Russians do give their dogs people names.
Sol says
How about Koba?
admin says
Funny. Koba is the revolutionary nom de guerre (nickname) of Joseph Stalin.
Shannan says
I am of Russian origin, and I will be getting a puppy and want to name him with a masculine Russian name. I am proud of my ancestors and want to have a proud Russian name for my new puppy. It will be a male Pitbull, I want his name to be masculine, yet, very unique, not common.
Thank you.
SHREK says
Name it Shrek
Ghandu says
Name it GHANDU
Gavril says
When i will move (maybe in 2 years, and that with some luck) my dog will be named Руслан (Ruslan).
I just like that name.
But i think i will get a female doberman so i will name her Ruslana, or Katyia.
Nicole says
Hi there, we are adopting a small sized Samoyed who looks like an arctic fox, I have seen the Russian translation of arctic fox but don't know how to pronounce it? Thank you !
admin says
The translation for arctic fox is "pesets" but I wouldn't advise you to give your dog this name because it sounds very alike with a Russian curse. Just call her li-SA (fox) if it's a girl, or LIS (male fox) if it's a boy ("i" like in "eagle", "a" like in "pup")).
Mark says
Another good name is жук (dzhook, meaning beetle but usually used as a dogs name), бобик (bobeek, pet name usually dog) or лайка (laikah, meaning barking dog), гирой (geeroi, meaning hero or brave), and гиркулез (geerkulez, meaning hercules or herculean)
admin says
Thank you for your input.
Rose says
Our new Samoyed puppy will be joining us in a few weeks. We were considering calling her RAISA, told the meaning is "rose" , How is this word pronounced? Are there other words for "rose" as in the color rose versus the flower rose?
admin says
Actually, Raisa is not a "rose". It's a Greek name meaning "light-hearted". The most well-known Raisa among Russians was the wife of Mikhail Gorbachev. It is pronounced like "ra-EE-sa" (EE like in deep).
In Russian "rose" as the color is "RO-zo-viy" or "RO-zo-vaya" (feminine). It doesn't sound well for a dog's name. "Rose" as the flower is "Ro-za". It's often used as a women's name in Russia.
Did you look through the list of female dog names on this site? Probably you can find something nice for your puppy: Russian female dog names
Brandon says
I named my Siberian Husky Sergei. After my favorite hockey player from the Detroit Redwings.
Alana says
That’s what we are naming out Samoyed…however, my daughter looks up to him from Flyers…she’s a goalie as well.
Jen says
My male BRT is Bartak (Russian for Barthalemew or Bart)
My female BRT is Chernushka (This means Blackie with the "ka" for term of endearment. Her call name is Nushka, though)
Pat says
Names of male Russian dogs:
Seryozha — informal name for Sergei
Morozh — Frost
admin says
Thank you Pat.
lola says
i want to name my cute little puppies princess but i dont now about what i should name them.
admin says
Princess is a nice name : )
mckaye says
Kyra (KI-ra
Jerry McAdams says
I wish to name my Caucasian Shepherd dog Proud Warrior, in russian. Any help with the translation will be appreciated.
Jerry McAdams
admin says
The translation is Gordy Voin (Гордый Воин), pronounced as GOR-dyj VO-in (capitals for stress).